Author: Sarah Schmerler (Page 1 of 5)

Office Hours This Week — and No Class Next Week

A reminder that I have extended Office Hours this week: Today (Thursday) from 12–2PM, and tomorrow (Friday) from 11AM–12PM.

As we discussed during class yesterday, there is NO CLASS on Monday, Dec 12.

Yesterday was our last, in-person class. (P.S. Everyone who asked for an extension until Dec 12 on their Final Portfolio received one.)

I will be available to you Online for questions or help.

I will have to pay for The Bachelorette…now what?

So I don’t get this series for free, and I am not so psyched to have to buy it. If you can steer me toward a season or an episode (it seems like there are a ton) so that I won’t be so lost, I would appreciate it.

btw: I was thinking about The Matrix being a romance. In it, they are always asking if Neo is “The One.” Well, aren’t we all going through life looking for “the one” for us?

Well, turns out I’m not alone, and that the sequel is all about…love? I don’t know; I may have to watch that, too. There are too many spoilers in my brief search on this.

Love, the search for it, ridiculously high expectations…all seem like a good theme, Jaqueline!

Reminder: You need to talk to us for one minute about your Opinion project

..on Wednesday. Yes, Nov 2’s class will have us looking at you for a whole 60 seconds. Hey, you can even take over the AV lectern and show us visuals if you like.

You talk; we listen. So please be prepared to share your project at any stage it is in Right NOW. (Chances are, we will *snap*.)

Also: I would like to see everyone weighing in here via post and comment on OpenLab, as I requested last week.

See you soon.

(doesn’t have to be as formal as this…but hey, he is trying)

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