Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2__Yash

I’ve been feeling alright since last week Thursday, I haven’t really been in quarantine though. I go out to skate sometimes, I’m also a smoker so I kind of have to go outside. Since the streets have been deserted I go out bombing (to bomb or hit is to paint many surfaces in an area, i.e do graffiti). The other day I walked all of Northern Blvd in Jackson Heights with my friend Tocer2. Then we turned on Broadway and walked to Astoria. I know my friends skate the city since midtown is deserted too. I haven’t really gone to the city, just because I’m too lazy but I plan on going later this week to buy some clothes. I’ve been pretty calm about the whole thing. Yesterday I found out that there has been in 10 cases of people testing positive for covid-19 in Jackson Heights, here in Queens where I’m from. That made me a little cautious, maybe even a little nervous to be honest. Today my mom comes back from Colombia, so I plan on staying inside the house today until my mom lands in JFK. I’m nervous for her because I don’t want her catching corona in the airplane, her health hasn’t been so good lately so I’m scared that can get sick easily.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    All your activities sound healthy to me. Well, smoking technically isn’t, but in our present totally surreal world, it is something that gets you outside and makes you feel calmer, so….
    Skate culture strikes me as so interesting. Always has. I go and do my strange exercises in an asphalt park near my apartment. While I’m doing my thing, skateboarders are practicing right near me, and I take comfort in how we are all seeking out personal best.
    As a side note, when I was curating out in Bushwick a while back, a local newspaper sent out a photographer to shoot me and some other people, and he was just about to come out with a skate magazine of his own. He gave me the first copy. It was called “43” — do you know it? It was shaped totally square, evoking an album cover. Here is a link to its page, and also a link to the photographer himself, Allen Ying, who does a lot of other interesting things:
    Skate photos show time suspended. I really like them. They take the long tradition of architectural photography into a new direction, too.
    I hope your Mom is well and good.
    Take care, Yash, and good to hear from you,
    -Prof. S.

  2. Jian-carlo

    Wow Yash, living life on the edge i see LMAO! If this corona stuff is the possible end of the world I think you lived up your last weeks. I would like to relate but I can’t because my mother will loser her mind if I ask to go to the park to play basketball. Enjoy freedom!

    • Yash Sharma

      Lmaooo thank you bro. My parents lowkey started tweeking and started getting mad I was leaving the house but I gotta chill.

  3. Yash Sharma

    Skateboaring has taught many things through life. It brings out the best in me and sometimes the worst in me, but at the end it’s all love. And no I haven’t seen the magazine but that’s such a sick cover. Thank you for asking about my mom, she got home safe and sound. I hope you’re doing good!

  4. chelsead219

    I can relate to the fear of your family members catching the virus. My brother and my mom are more prone to the virus too. My brother has sickle cell and my mom has asthma so they’ve been in quarantine longer than we have. I can’t wait till things go back to normal.

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