Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2 Ruhshona

I’m trying my best to stay inside most of the time the first few days I actually liked staying home and doing nothing but now I’m getting tired of it. I went out yesterday for a walk with a few of my friends because I felt like I was suffocating in my own house there were less people on the streets and some of the stores were closed. Most of my online classes have already started so I got up today around 10 to finish my online math homework then I had some breakfast and watched Netflix for a while I’m not really sure how I’m going to spend the rest of my  day but I’m trying my best to stay productive I might go for a run later in the afternoon on sheepshead bay next to the water because all of the gyms are currently closed or just stay home and hang out with my family.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I am finding that running and walking are the new pastimes. What would we do without parks, paths, the Outdoors? At least we have that as New Yorkers; and, also, it is spring, so the weather mostly allows it, which is a blessing.
    One of my biggest fears is of being cooped up.
    Yet, I like to be alone and not deal with people a lot of the time.
    I don’t know. I think we, all of us, are contradictions.
    I am hoping to use this new time as a way to better understand myself — even the aspects of me I would rather not face.
    After I do some introspection, I, too, watch TV.
    -Prof. S.

  2. Sigi Carcani

    Yes, I can relate because I felt the same, staying home was good but as time passed it became annoying and boring. I also have to do a lot of online math homework which is hard because math has to be explained by the prof in order to understand the topics. I’m doing the same thing watching Netflix and hanging out with my family. Hope this situation end as quick as possible so we can go back to normal routine.
    Best, Sigi Carcani

    • Yash Sharma

      I’ve been doing the same thing honestly, I try to stay home but a walk is necessary sometimes, especially with these New York apartments being so small. Everything get boring fast and my family are starting to annoy me lol.

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