Big Ideas Welcome Here

Author: Tasanvir Nagra

Diary entry Tasanvir

Anger can do so much damage the words that come out of your mouth can never be unheard. The reason why I’m say this is because I went through this faze today my dad calls after several years to tell us he’s happy and not to worry about him. Me stuck in these four walls and the fact that he never supported me or ever talked to his kids he had the audacity to tell us not to worry about him he’s happy really hurt me not the fact that he’s happy the fact that he was never there for me and never called I was about to curse him out but my mom cut the phone. I feel hurt because I know everyone does not have a father but knowing the fact that I have a father out there that never supported or talked to his son really broke me down. I feel like a little kid again with no childhood trying to find a home trying to find a happy place which I never had. Today I’m just finding someone to lean on but I rely on my self because I’m too scared to be hurt ya that is what happened to me sorry I haven’t commented under anyone’s posts I’m going through an emotional experience and sharing it was therapeutic for me.

Diary entry of me from March 23-26

March 23 and March 26

March 23 – Richmond hill Queens New York, Trader Joe’s

12:00am -5:00pm groceries 6:00pm- nest day sleep

I made myself a bacon egg and cheese sandwich and then I started getting ready to go to get groceries and prepare myself for the coronavirus. I also washed my hands multiple times before I left the house. And I also could not forget to wear a mask before I leave the house and a pair of gloves. I picked all of my favorite foods Cake, organic fruits and vegetables and also eggs and bacon and bread, turkey, chicken breast and spices.When I got home I washed my hands and took a bath. After that I fell asleep for the whole day and woke up the next day.

March 24 – Richmond Hill Queens New York, Trader Joe’s

2:00pm-5pm more groceries and eating a lot

6:00pm-2:00am Netflix and quarantine

I woke up late because I was so lazy did not want to get out of bed. One thing I like about the quarantine that I could hibernate in my blanket. I watched all my favorite series on Netflix like elite, money heist, and Dynasty.

march 25 – Richmond Hill Queens New York

2:00pm-6:00pm laundry

7:00pm-next day Eat

I woke up late again because I’m watching so many movies yesterday. I realized I had a lot of laundry to do and I was afraid if I don’t do my laundry the laundry mat will close because of the quarantine.after I finish doing the laundry I came home and I started binge eating because I was so bored.I could not watch Netflix because I finished every single show that I like kill me now.

March 26 – Richmond Hill Queens New York

2:00pm to 8:00pm

I did nothing  that day I stayed in my four walls sleeping waking up eating and repeating the process over and over. It should be illegal to be this bored.I could not watch Netflix either because I finished every single show that I like




Diary entry 2 Tasanvir

I went to Trader Joe’s a few days ago and I saw these women fighting over toilet paper. It was an old women and a a young adult this is sad no respect for the elderly people I wonder how they are getting there groceries during this crisis.