Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry_2 Sigi

Hey everyone, I hope you are feeling good. I have been feeling alright. Since this virus had been around to be honest I have not being scared at all for the fact because I’m self-quarantined. This situation has been started as a joke since in the beginning, starting with social media when people use to make fun about this virus. I’m not going to deny I have been posting some funny memes in social medias  too, but now I’m aware that this situation is serious. There are thousands of people getting infected every day and a considerable number of them are dying.  Spending my time inside I have been cleaning my home more than I use to before, but It’s a way to keep myself and family clean and safe. I also spend my time watching Netflix, the movie that I recently watched lt’s  called ”All the bright places” by Brett Haley. It’s a great movie. I’m also spending my time painting, It’s my favorite thing to do. It’s so relaxing and it’s a way where I always find myself into. To end this I want to say to you all stay safe and keep yourself clean, wash your hands constantly and don’t stress out because everything is going to be okay.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I appreciate your telling us not to stress out!
    Painting sounds like fun, and also like a way to gain self knowledge.
    Do you think that we are all going to learn more about ourselves this semester than about English? : – )
    And, is that okay?
    Communicating effectively is now more important than ever.

    You know I’ve been a painter, too, right? And that I work with artists and help them write?
    I’m curious:
    What is your medium? What subjects do you like to paint? Do you work from imagination or real life?
    Stay well, Sigi,
    -Prof. S.

    • Sigi Carcani

      Thank you for replying to my post, I appreciate it. Yes I think we all are going to learn more about ourselves this semester. I think English is not all about having a perfect grammar, I think it’s about how well we write based on our experiences or what perspectives we have for different things. Yeah I remember when you told us in class that you are a painter, we share the same desire of art. Since in my first steps when I started painting I liked painting landscapes. I combine both my imagination with the real life, and I also use my creativity skills to make a good artwork.
      Stay safe, Prof

  2. Zahira

    Thanks for telling us about what you been up to.
    Painting sounds fun as you know I also love painting as well. What are you painting now ? And like you said is a way to just relax and focus on something else on this hard times. Just like you I’ve also been watching Netflix 🙂 hope you stay safe.
    – Your Friend, Zahira S.

    • Sigi Carcani

      Hey Zahira!
      It’s great when my friend like you shares the same passion about art, which I really like. I saw some of your artworks and they were great. I’m starting to paint a landscape different from the ones I showed you in class. Great to hear from you Zahira stay safe!
      -Your Friend, Sigi C.

  3. chelsead219

    Ive been wanting to paint too but I have literally no supplies and its too late to go out and get some. Maybe I will order on Amazon but even Prime delivery for most items have been shut down and are expected to arrive late April. Maybe I will try drawing.

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