Communicating with Mind and Soul

First assignment: Ramani Masinga

A wooden palette is the first thing that comes to mind when I imagine how online classes for college is going to play out. I am not apathetic, nor am I eager to start classes this semester. I am simply on the fence. When I put my mind to something however; I usually go all out. So I guess you could say I would have to be swayed into a commitment; which I am not against. I would say my summer mostly consisted of working, linking my friends, and staying inside. However, staying inside were the moments when I contemplated going back to school, and here I am. I could easily throw a picture of me chilling with my friends at central park but I’d much rather use a picture with more symbolism behind it.

By the way, I’m an artist.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I am an artist, too. Nice post.

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