Communicating with Mind and Soul


Hi:),my name is Vanessa and I am excited to start a new year. I hope this course gives me a new perspective on English because high school English fried my brain a little. My summer flew by me and next thing I know i’m starting college. oddly enough I’m not too stressed I think if we all got through online before we could definitely do it again and be a little more prepared for it:) I’m not sure what else to say but I wish everyone success for this year and I hope you’re all safe and healthy.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    You know you got me curious: what about English in previous classes fried your brain? In what way was your brain fried?
    I think it sounds interesting. Especially since I teach — I could learn what NOT to do!!
    Class is easy tomorrow: you meet us all; you talk; you do some light work (okay yes you write); you get to talk and listen. Very chill.
    -Prof. S.

    • Sarah Schmerler

      P.S. I may honestly be able to say that teaching Online has fried my brain.

      • Vanessa

        haha I think it’s taken a toll on all of us so I’m hoping you had some time to recharge your brain:)

    • Vanessa

      I think it was always so similar. Read a book write an essay and didn’t go beyond that. which is fine but it was never exciting.My sister told me college English and high school English are two different things and I have a lot to look forward to!(she is an English major so there might be a little bias there but I’ll trust her judgement)

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