Communicating with Mind and Soul

Intro: Brandon Herrera

Hello, my name is Brandon Herrera and I am looking forward to  working in this group.  Although getting through this online would sometimes be difficult, it would be a transition that is very similar to the ones I had in the past. I am very nervous for how my college experience will turn out but I will learn how to manage those nerves. I had a good time the past summer and I am looking to be successful this first year in college. This picture shows a character in a show that I surely enjoy. He represents a person who could be goofy and careless at times but when it comes to responsibility he brings out all seriousness. It kind of represents me as a person because I love to have fun but there are times where work needs to be serious. Plus it shows that I love to watch tv shows.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Veeeery evocative picture, Brandon. Made me smile, at least. It made me wonder why this guy is smiling. Is he a troublemaker or maybe a nice guy underneath — or both? The name is certainly fraught with associations! I don’t know the TV show, as you can see.
    On the topic of transitions: well, they are always important, and often they can be less than easy; that said, the meaning they hold is invaluable.
    : )
    Looking forward to hearing more, and meeting you soon at our bright and early class,
    – Prof. S.

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