Communicating with Mind and Soul


Hello, my name is Mariela and my word for this course has to be determined. My summer was great, I was working and also enjoying my summer by reading and going out to enjoy the views that New York has. I was a in-person student in high school that I think it will be a little harder for me, since I get distracted easily at home. My other concern must be that open lab and blackboard are a little confusing since I have not used them before.  Overall, I wish motivation to you all and peace. This picture means a lot to me because there is more to love. People think love is just people that surround you but you can also give love to strangers (although it might seem weird). Small acts can change a person’s life.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    thank you for your post. You already made me think about big things, real-life things. : )
    My big suggestion to help you Online is to go into Zoom and just click around. Try different modes (“gallery,” “speaker,” on the upper right); make sure your audio output and video and such work well for you. That way, you can concentrate on what we do, day one, and not worry as much about How. Know what I mean?
    We like to use “audio” a lot, btw. I don’t mind if people’s voices overlap. Noisy is good in Zoom. It makes us feel like we are actually out there, and that we exist.
    Congrats to you on persevering. Upward!
    -Prof. S.

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