Communicating with Mind and Soul

My first post in “Open Lab”

Hello, I am Enmanuel Ortiz and this is my first semester in CityTech. Honestly, I feel a bit anxious about this new transition because I will be meeting with new classmates as well with new professors. Unfortunately we might no be able to meet in person (or maybe we might meet once since we slowly recovering from Covid-19) due to the pandemic but I want to let you all know that I am a very friendly person, and I am more than welcome to have new friends that want to sussed in their major as well with their classes.

I think that our English class will be a great opportunity to improve our reading and writing skills to a more advance level. Once again, I am a bit anxious not just because I will be meeting a new group of people, but being aware that I am in College and the classes are more difficult and stricter makes me feel a bit anxious. Even though College is difficult, I know that you (The student reading my post) and I, we are capable enough to complete all our courses!

Hope each one of you reading my post can have a great day ahead!

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Hi Emmanuel,
    I think that anxiety is normal and to be expected in any large venture — and college is one of the biggest! That said, I often wonder how to cope with my anxiety — more often than I might like to admit.
    Lately, I have been wondering if I might tap into the “excitement” aspect of a new venture. Instead of the newness causing me concern, newness might make me psyched to see what is on the horizon.
    So I say, “thrill” is better than worry; “excited” better than anxious.
    All best,
    -Prof. S.
    P.S. I think you will enjoy class. : )

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