Recipe On How To Be A Good Bowler


Bowling is a competitive sport to some and a fun activity just for the heck of it to most. Bowling requires an individual to take a bowling ball, a spherical shaped ball to knock down pins. 


* Fun Fact: In the United Kingdom bowling is called skittles.



  1. A bowling ball.
  2. A human species cable of movement, and bending of the knees. 
  3. A bowling ball alley, or a bowling ball lane. You can even make your own makeshift lane. 
  4. Bowling shoes.
  5. Bowling ball towel to shine or wipe your ball down (Not Mandatory).
  6. Wrist gloves/device (Not Mandatory).
  7. 10 (ten bowling pins).



  1. Get your bowling shoes. Not too tight, not too slack but just right!
  2. Bowling balls come in many different weight sizes. For example, I prefer a 6 because it’s light enough for me to hold without putting strain on my wrist and allows me to put enough force while swinging my arm back and forth before releasing the bowling ball. Find your right bowling ball size/weight before you proceed with any further instructions. There’s even special bowling balls that spin continuously down the lane. 
  3. You have to understand the bowling lanes. You should see a line when you walk up to the lane. That line also known as the foul line is where you should stop or else you might fall down the slippery, oiled lane. Never go past that line unless you are a mechanic or employee.  Another reason why you shouldn’t overstep that lane is if you’re playing competitively and you overstep the foul line your point for that bowl no longer counts. You get two tries to hit all the pins down or clear the pins if you can but if your ball goes into the gutter and pops out and hits a pin down, it doesn’t count either. Sucks. 
  4. There’s ten pins. The pin in the front is number #1. Aim for the very first pin in the front and the pin next to it, you might get a strike!
  5. When you’re about to roll a bowling ball bend your knees a bit for a higher chance at knocking down more pins. 
  6. Keep your wrists locked. If you can’t keep your wrists locked you can use a wrist glove. A wrist glove helps If you’re having trouble keeping your wrist locked, basically the glove holds your wrist steadily in place so you don’t sprain or hurt your wrist. 
  7. Feel like your ball isn’t rolling enough? Use your bowling ball towel to shine it. Most bowlers use a bowling towel or a rag to wipe their balls off after a game or to shine it so it can have a spinning effect that allows them to get strikes and even spares. Literally, it’s magic. 


                         Thank You, come again for more recipes!