My childhood can be very blurry when it wants to be but I can always figure out something by a little memory I have and just ask my mom what it was pertaining to. Like many other people my mother was the first one that taught me how to read until I got to school. My mom has always explained to us that she tried her best when it came to educating my siblings and I whether it wasĀ  herself or finding the best people to do so. I remember three teachers that has had a huge impact on my life educationally which was Ms. Alvarado my Pre-K teacher, Ms. Dee Dee my kindergarten teacher and Ms. Winton my first grade teacher. These three women helped not only me but my siblings become who weā€™re now just by doing their jobs.Ā 

I was lucky to have the privilege of going to private school on my mother’s dime so that I was able to have the best education so I was able to have opportunities that my mother never had. Those previous amazing ladies I named worked their butts off making sure that me and every student was reaching the goals we needed to be prepared for the grade ahead of us. I have always been able to ask for help when it came to my reading because my mother is also a book worm. Any book that we had in school from the 8th grade and further she has probably already read at least five times. I’m actually happy that she happened to be a bookworm because I don’t think I would have passed my English classes if it wasn’t for her helping comprehend the books that were given to me during school.Ā 

English especially reading has always been my weakness and if you were to ask me itā€™s because I havenā€™t been interested in what has been given to me so I didn’t necessarily retain anything I was supposed to read but if you were to ask my mother she would say Iā€™m not reading the book to understand the book on a personal level but that Iā€™m reading the words just to get to the end. I never really understood what she meant by that because she used to say it often. She started noticing the trouble I was having when it came to reading so she even brought a book titleā€ how to readā€. The book explained how to properly read a book and the different ways to take something from the book when reading and finished. I never really read the book though because it does seem weird to read a book on how to probably read a book if you get what I’m saying. I appreciate her effort though because it helped while it lasted.Ā 

The last person I believe helped me when it came to reading what my freshman year English teacher Ms. Turman which was also my junior year teacher. I say she has a role in my life when it comes to me learning how to read because she helped me fully understand why it’s important to actually read a book or a piece of literature no matter if I wanted to or not because there was always something you can take from someone perceptive or experience.. I learned a lot from the amount of literature she had shared with me and other students. I can honestly say that I can keep everything she taught me with me for the rest of my life.