NYC bridges from sky

imageJune 28,2015   NYC


This pic was taken by me while I was just leaving New York to my home town and I discoverd that the city and the ocean looked soo pretty from the air. This a really nice picture that I had captured, while the plane was side ways. It gave a nice result. And yea why not showing your cousins who haven’t been in new york a beautiful picture. This is just a incredible photograph that I took from the airplane. This would be a nice show off  of where you  live to the people that don’t know about NY.


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This photo was taken at Brooklyn Bridge few weeks ago. I remember the time I took this shot was around eight o’clock. The beautiful New York City night view shows at the Brooklyn Bridge. I was wandering around there after dinner with my friends. I feel that the angle of this photo is very good because it shows the beam of the bridge, the buildings and the light from the bridge. I feel interesting of this photo because those net. It makes those buildings look different.


Brooklyn Bridge


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This photo shows handball courts soaked in water and leaves scattered on the floor. Trees cover the background as well as a couple of houses. There are tiny puddles on certain parts of the floor at these handball courts. The handball courts are discolored and seem to fade into the background as if it were a regular wall. The rain was heavy on this day and I was stranded on a bench waiting while the rain was drowning the courts in water. Near the wall there are mostly leaves that may have been carried there by the wind.Rain

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Reflective Image

Upside Down


This Photo was taken a couple weeks back, in a retail store, in downtown Manhattan. I was out shopping and saw this globe which was in the perfect position in order to create a reflection of the wall behind it. When i first snapped the picture i didn’t really realize the depth the image had to it. It caught my eye on how the background and the foreground was blurred which gave the globe the perfect light to create the image with deep detail of the wall behind it, while the light hit the globe and created an upside image, I was baffled that i actually captured an amazing shot like this. This image was only able to be taken from that certain angle, so I believe this photo is a very good example of perfect angling and light on an image.

By, Brandon Delacruz


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The Sun And The Naked Tree



I have just took the photo today (10/10/2015). I was on my way out of my house when I got to the front porch I noticed how strong the sun is radiating today by it burning my eyes on first sight. I have been looking for things to take picture of and right at that moment I have found what i want to take picture of as I remembered how it was cloudy in the past few days. In my photo, you can see the sun radiating strong sunlight along with a naked tree and some house roofs. I find the light radiated by the sun to be fascinating especially the line going across the picture because I couldn’t have seen that if I had not have taken the photo as the strong light burns my eyes and I could barely see anything. That lights could only be seen on a photo and cannot be looked at with our bare eyes. Although I don’t think the house roofs make much of an impression, the blue sky does make the sun stand out.

Another interesting point of the picture is the contrast between the sun and the naked tree considering the fact that it’s in fall season now and that most plants are going in dormant. The naked tree, possibly in dormant judging from the fact that its “naked”, might not be taking in much sunlight for photosynthesis but the sun is still radiating strongly at least for today it is, what a waste I felt especially that I have some plants and the window I put them in often don’t get much sunlight.

Lastly I want to mention the blueish dot on the lower right corner of the picture. It was there when I was trying to take the picture and I couldn’t get rid of it which I feel this kind of relates to prof. Scanlan’s photo. It’s so complicated.


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Akeem.L.Upside Down Bridge.Picture

Akeem Louigarde
English 1101 (Prof Scanlan)
October 10, 2015
Upside Down Bridge

     In this Photo, you will see a Manhattan Bridge, but instead it is upside down. At first, before the photo was taken, I thought that anyone would notice it, however when i took the photo, it came out to be not bad. Especially with the sky’s color matching part of the bridge’s  color, which gives the viewer a sense the sky is the road. When you look at the top of the Bridge, it has a sort of handle bar sticking out, which makes the sky or road, look more realistic or as if the sky is stuck onto the Bridge, because it looks like a shadow laid out on the road. In addition, the green in the background also gives the idea that the Bridge is not upside down.
I decided to take this photo, because I was experimenting trying to figure out whether or not can a Bridge still look like a Bridge that isn’t upside down even if its upside down knowing if you flipped part of the Bridge’s structure, the triangles, a person wouldn’t be able to tell if it’s upside down.

Untitled presentation (2)

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Akeem’s Journal 4

Akeem Louigarde
Journal 4
English 1101 (Prof Scanlan)
October 4, 2015
The Six Photos

In the book call “The place where we Dwell” There are 6 photos that were taken during the 1900s. The six photos that were taken during the 1900s were the “Seventh Avenue looking South from 35th Street, Manhattan” and “Manhattan Bridge, From Bowery and Canal Street, Manhattan to Warren and Bridge Street, Brooklyn,” by Berenice Abbott, “Riveters attaching a beam” and “Sweat shop, New York City” by Lewis Wickes Hine, “Home of Gerard Basquiat, 533 Pacific St, Park Slope, Brooklyn” and “Joe Roifer & friend Apt 9E Tuner Tower, 135 Eastern Parkway, Prospect Heights Brooklyn” by Dinanda H. Nooney. Comparing and Contrasting these 6 photo, there are many things that makes one photo more attracting than others, such as the camera angles of what is being displayed, the first impression of the photograph, etc. In addition, also other things make these photographs as a whole, stand out from other photographs. One of the things is the artistic approach of taking the photograph because they are things that the artist could not control, but taking the photographs successfully. In other words, the artist were not able to control where certain things could be placed, the depth of field, or the lighting, but they were still able to take the photograph beautifully, by artistically knowing when and where to take the photograph and what camera angle to use.
The reason the artist decides to use these artistic skills is to bring out a certain message from the photograph to show the viewers and while all six photographs were done beautifully, “Riveters attaching a beam” is a photograph that I think tops them all. Comparing and Contrasting Berenice Abbott’s photographs with “Riveters attaching a beam” by Lewis Wickes Hine, Berenice Abbott’s photographs doesn’t create an immediate emotional response, especially when most of photographs aren’t taken on a neutral vertical camera angle level juxtapose to “Riveters attaching a beam” by Lewis Wickes Hine. Although Berenice Abbott’s photographs do raise one comment and a question, I feel as though she failed on showing a clear message, in which Lewis Wickes Hine showed in his photograph, because in his photograph, the photos immediately says these group of men are working in a unsafe condition and they could possibly fall and die. Now comparing and contrasting Dinanda H. Nooney’s photographs with “Riveters attaching a beam” by Lewis Wickes Hine, Dinanda H. Nooney’s photographs seems to be not so interesting and it makes me want to go to sleep. However, in the photograph call “Riveters attaching a beam” by Lewis Wickes Hine, it doesn’t put me to sleep, it surprises me to know how high off the ground these guys are working it a makes me wonder how come these guys haven’t fallen yet, etc. Although one of Dinanda H. Nooney’s photographs call “Joe Roifer & friend Apt 9E Tuner Tower 135 Eastern Parkway, Prospect Heights Brooklyn” gives me something to look at, it doesn’t make my imagination go wild, such as what could happen, because there isn’t anything happening, which is also kind of similar to what I was saying Berenice Abbott’s Photographs.

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Sean’s Photo






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Taking and Posting Photos

Hi Class… lot’s of information today!


1. How does a digital camera work?:

2. How to develop film using coffee and vitamin C:

3. A Darkroom in Use:

4. Five tips for taking your own digital photographs: 


Joining Openlab, Posting to Openlab, and Dominant Impression

Here is an example of a picture that I took and my description:

Manhattan-Stonehenge, 2011, Sean Scanlan

I took this picture in the early spring of 2011. The shot is of the sun as it is framed by skyscrapers on either side of E. 21st St., looking West, of course. The sun is setting and seems perfectly centered by the “cliffs” or buildings. I was walking with my friend, Tom, and on our way to play ping-pong at a place called Spin, which is a few blocks north of Union Square. What is so interesting about the picture is that the lens created the effect of all the red circles, I never saw them until after clicking the shutter. I did not use any filters on this shot. The red is overwhelming, but I can still make out the street scene. At first, I did not like the white car on the right side, but after further reflection, I liked how it adds perspective and the illusion of speed. Lastly, the lens also created the effect of a bright slash that goes through the street, straight down. I like that “sword” as it bisects the frame.


How to post a photo:


STEP 3: Posting a photo.

To add your description, just type inside the box underneath the image that you have posted. Be sure to click the blue “Update” button on the right side of the page.

If you have any questions, please email me.


Prof. Scanlan

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A Photo Contest Open to All CUNY Students

Hi all,

Here is a link to a monthly photo contest open to all CUNY students:

Also, here is a refresher on the homework for Wednesday:

From Sontag, define a term that you didn’t know, a photographer you haven’t heard of, and a film mentioned. Then look up “art” and “photography.” Include your sources.


Prof. Scanlan

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