Jeju Island


Demetri Parker

English Composition 1101/5363 (Prof. Scanlan)

November 3, 2013

Image Summary

While there were two photographs that I had picked to write a summary for, I like the photograph I picked of Seongsan Ilchulbong, Jeju Island Korea the most. This photograph was taken at 9:32 a.m, on October 19, 2009 by the author Justin De La Ornellas from Chinatown, Hawaii. I favor this photograph the most, because Jeju Island is the hometown of my family, and korean ancestors. The photograph is of Jeju Island, which consists of tall mountains, forest green trees, and modern houses. Houses that are located at the bottom of Jeju Island near the river bank are designed with little to no space away from one another, similar to the 4, 5, and 6-trains during rush hour with everyone shoulder to shoulder. Forest green trees hover around the houses, and behind them, while the mountains are behind and elevated above everything else described. Surrounding Jeju Island is an extremely clear sky, and an ocean, which appears to be moving at a tranquil pace. My dominant impression of this photograph is serene, and poised, because Jeju Island shows a place where I could some day visit and enjoy the peacefulness of being surrounded on a small island in the middle of an ocean, and with clear skies.

(210 words- not including the title)

Works Cited

Justin De La Ornellas. Seongsan Jeju Island 2009. Jeju Island, Korea. Wikimedia. Digital Image. Web. 19 Oct. 2009.


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Resorts World Casino


Since being built, Resorts World Casino lights up the whole neighborhood and night. At first glance, the buildings seem out of place compared to the area it was built in, Ozone Park. All the traffic it brings in conflicts with how quiet the the streets are when the sun goes down. There are a couple buildings, rooms for the actual casino, parking lots that could fit the whole city, and restuarants, and the main building’s lights change color after some time. The place is open 24/7 every night the blinding light hits most houses surrounding it.

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Barton’s Apple Orchard

Barton's Apple Orchard

I took this picture earlier this month. This picture is of a vegetable farm located at Barton’s Orchards in Poughquag, NY. I went apple picking with my family and I decided to explore the place with my sisters.  What makes this image so interesting is that it captures almost everything in the orchard within this one shot, and, it also captures the mountainous terrain. There’s the markets and vegetable stands in the far right, the cornfield in the back and the vegetables in the front. I really like how this picture captures the lighting in the sky, it shows which direction the sun was in. I also appreciate how it shows the movement of the clouds. When I first looked at this picture I thought the trees covering the mountainous area were all brown and dried up, but upon further inspection I realized that the tress were all actually covered in brown, red and dark green leaves. This shows that the color of the leaves are changing because it’s during the fall time.

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Table top Vice




Morelos, Javier, TABLE TOP VICE, 2013

This is an image of a artwork that I did for my art portfolio. It is 8’1/2 X In, in which I used pencils to shade the art work. In the center of the image is a vice grip used for wood shop on top of a table, inside a class room, while headless manikins are at the back of the vice grip.

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Snow Pillows


This photo is called “Snow Pillows” and was taken by Floris Van Breugel in Yosemite National Park which is in California. In this photograph, there is a sort of structure. There are four layers. The top layer shows the blueish purple sky. The second layer shows a cliff with the sun shining on it and on the opposite side is a snow covered mountain. The third layer shows tree which are distant from the perspective and it looks misty. The fourth and most important layer shows a river with snow covered rocks that look like pillows, hence the title. It looks like it is just floating on the water.


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Houses in Whitestone

Houses of Whitestone

With my digital camera, I took this picture this year in August.  I like this picture because it’s a symmetrical scenery picture. It was actually taken place in Whitestone in Queens of New York.  Considering that this area is by the river, the two houses are enormous and very unlike the average house in the city.  The house on the left has two cars, while the house one the right has three cars which exemplifies the vast amount of space as seen from a distance.  Both houses are also similar in color; however the design of the house on the right is more complex.  The blue sky and sunshine added the natural final qualities of the picture which gives it a picturesque look and serene feeling.

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A Pool at Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

I take this picture in the spring of 2011 when I have a trip with my friends. In this photo, you can see it had a big stone with almost 10 tortoises rest on top of it in the middle of the pool. And it had 3 on the side of the lawn which I think it was two family. The photo looks peace because the sun light is shine the things on the photo. When I see this picture after I take it, the tortoises make me think about my family. Even the stone looks too small for all the tortoises to rest on it, but we can see all the tortoises are clime on the stone and step on top of each to get their rest. Which means a family can share any thing they can.

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Worrier Named Popocatepetl

Photo Of Popocatepetl, summer of 2013

In the summer of 2013 in Mexico, the volcano named Popocatepetl was ready to erupt. Ash Filled the air all over the country side and the city.In the photo you can see many houses; many poor people live near the base of the volcano because it is very inexpensive to live by there that’s why there are many houses made of scraps.  I took this picture when my family and I were driving to Mexico City because it made a loud sound while emitting smoke and it caught my attention. While driving by my aunt told me the story behind Popocatepetl and the mountained named iztaccihuatl. The Volcano Popocatepetl used to be warrior named Popocatepetl and the mountain was a princess named iztaccihuatl. they were both in loved with each other, but tragedy stroke ad they both died, later god immortalized their love by turning them into a volcano and a mountain. I like this photo because I feel like this image has a hierarchy to it, the earth, poor man, the noble volcano, and the heavens.

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Dedicated Squirrel


very dedicated squirrel searching for something it once buried. Visible holes seen in the image shows the amount of attempts the squirrel has made and nothing seem to stop it until it gets what it wants. As the leaves pile on the ground, it gives the squirrel a harder time, but the squirrel is still not showing any signs of giving up. Food is rather scarce as the time the photo was taken, it was pretty cold weather and it certainly has no access to the trash cans nearby. What it made me think was, no matter how hard life is, we still try our best to survive.


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Kasheem’s Photo


Artist? Title? Place? DI?


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