What’s Your Favorite Sentence?

Demetri Parker

English Composition 1101/ 5363 (Prof. Scanlan)

November 13, 2013

Ā What’s Your Favorite Sentence?

Ā In A Coney Island of the Mind,Ā by Katie Roiphe, my favorite sentence is, “The wooden track rising against the sky reminds me of the dinosaur bones in the American Museum of Natural History, which is not a reassuring image,” (paragraph 3). This is my favorite sentence because Roiphe compares the height of a roller coaster Ā track of a ride called the “Cyclone,” (paragraph 2), to extinct dinosaur fossils. When describing the height of the roller coaster Roiphe states what kind of track the roller coaster is made of, and talks as if the track is competing against the sky in a race. While Roiphe talks about dinosaur bones, I am able to connect to Roiphe by looking back on my own personal experience when I went to a museum, and too remembering the fossils. In conclusion I am able to visualize what Roiphe is saying in her sentence as if I am standing next to her.

“The sturdy plastic sky-high water slide tranquil in the clouds reflects on when I was at the peak of Kingda Ka, which still gives me chills.”


Works Cited

Ā  Ā Roiphe, Katie. “A Coney Island of the Mind,” The Place Where We Dwell: Reading and Writing About New York City. Eds. Juanita But, Mark Noonan, Seans Scanlan. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012. 11. Print.


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Favorite Sentence – Yefeng Yan

“I remember admiring the terrifying acrobatic cool of ironworkers, these sky-walkers who function, as the saying goes, without a net, when they repaired the bridge some years back.”


Lopate, Phillip. “The Brooklyn Bridge.” The Place Where We Dwell: Reading and Writing about New York City. Eds. Juanita But, Mark Noonan, and Sean Scanlan. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012. 251. Print.

Ā As I attempt complete this simple assignment with a decent sentence, the clock back stare at me, as if I have spent decades thinking about what to write, which it finally come to an end as I fill in the last part of this sentence.
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Melanie’s Favorite Sentence

“But from the porch at the back of our house you went three steps down to a long narrow gardenā€•at least the garden seemed long to meā€•and if you walked to the end of the garden and peered through the ivy-covered bars of the fence, as I had done when I was so little that I could barely walk alone, you had the first mighty thrill of your life.”

Pool, Ernest. “The Harbor”. The Place Where We Dwell: Reading and Writing About New York City. Eds. Juanita But,Ā Mark Noonan, and Sean Scanlan. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012. 240. Print.

Although the man offered me the seat on the trainā€•whom I thought would be ever so gluttonous to take itā€•I decided to stay where I was on the back-end of the trainĀ and cope with standing on my tired feet, as I would usually have done each time so that I won’t get that claustrophobic feeling, just to be right next to the door.


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Best Sentence

Suki’s favorite sentence:Presently my mother would notice and with a smile she would put down my hand, but a few moments later up it would come and would continue its stroking.

Work Cited
Pool, Ernest. ā€œThe Harborā€. The Place Where We Dwell: Reading and Writing About New York City. Eds. Juanita But, Mark Noonan, and Sean Scanlan. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012. 238. Print.

She would stop working on her essay and focus on the movie, but a few moments later up she would press pause and continue her essay.

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ā€œDropping A Han Dynasty Urn,ā€ by artist Ai WeiWei is a work divided into three sections, known as a triptych. In the photos a man is standing in front of a brick wall at the center of the camera. He keeps the same posture, the same facial expression and the same emotional state. His facial expression looks like he doesnā€™t care but, irrespective of that; the man keeps eye contact with the viewer. In the first photo the man is holding an old looking vase, the second photo the vase falls from the manā€™s arms and the third photo shows the vase smashed at the manā€™s feet.



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Two Photos in One

I took this picture in September of 2013. The picture was taken from the 8th floor room N-817 of the Namm Hall building City Tech. The photo was taken for the purpose of doing a sketch of the white building that is somewhat center to the photo. Before i hit the shutter, i had no idea that a reflection of the class room was going to appear on the picture as well until i viewed the picture. The professor Ā appearing on the dark color building on the right, as if he was part of the building. The five sets of light floating in mid-air following the direction of the street like if they were vehicles creating a feeling of mystery.


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I took this picture right where I live as I was walking down Broadway to get to my home. I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful this view was so I had to take a picture. It was about 6 o’ clock when I was going home and decided to take this picture. This image takes place in 152nd Street on between Broadway and Riverside. In the image, there are several amount of parked cars, a lamp post which can be seen on the left. The words “X-ING SCHOOL” is written on the road in big white letters, and also there are a lot of buildings. The sun is in the background radiating its shining light towards the camera.


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Flood Critical Juncture


Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2012, Farjana Shati

This Photograph called Flood Critical Junction was taken by me in early June of 2012, in Nasirabad Housing Society road no:1 , Chittagong Bangladesh. I snapped this picture from birdā€™s eye perspective while I was in my friends apartment for sleep over and the purpose of taking this picture was to send it to my parents and to make them clearly understand the situation that I wont be able to return home as the roads in Nasirabad Housing Society were blocked with overflown rain water. It can be well guessed by looking at the picture that it was monsoon season in Bangladesh. I think the contrast of the green and grayish color of the trees and rain water looks beautiful in the picture. There are patterns of diagonal lines and the image looks symmetrical in some way. In the photo the stillness of water waves after the harsh weather makes it look more serene.

Farjana, shati. Flood Critical Juncture. 2012. JPEG file.

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Beautiful Bliss

Lake Worth, Florida-Beach, 2013, Stephany Paulino

Stephany Paulino.Ā Beautiful Bliss. Lake Worth, Florida. 2013. Digital Media.

I took this picture while I was in Lake Worth, Florida during the summer. I wanted to capture the sky and the beach and how clear it all was. I also wanted to capture the fact that it wasn’t crowded, unlike the beaches in New York City that I’ve been to. From top to bottom, the colors of the image are separated by layers and they go from darkest to lightest. There are also four people in the photo, three of them are farther away than one.

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Focal Point


I took this picture on the Brooklyn Bridge October 29th, 2013 at 5:04 pm. This was my second time walking across his bridge when I realized how uniformed this bridge was, that connected Manhattan to Brooklyn. In the image you can see that the bridge is still undergoing maintenance but there were no workers to be found. There are many people, I was heading to Manhattan and felt like I was the only one going to Manhattan because I was the only one heading in that direction, the line on the ground separated the left from the right. This metallic frame covering me as well as everyone was due to the fact that the bridge was under construction, this covering gives a sheltering effect witch is the studium of this image.

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