Author Archives: Professor Sean Scanlan

Updates for Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Hi Class, I hope that your editing and revising is going well. I’ve updated the weekly schedule, so please take a look at that when you get a chance. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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Quiz 1 on Tuesday

Hi Class, Remember, we have a quiz over the four readings in our textbook on Tuesday, Sept. 17th. See the weekly schedule for  the names of the authors. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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Homework for Thursday, Sept. 12

Hi Class, 1. Bring your textbook to class 2. Read and take notes on Howard Gardner’s essay in our textbook, 111. Write down any questions that you might have on this reading. 3. Read and take notes on Steptoe’s and … Continue reading

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Homework for Sept. 10, 2013

Hi Class, For Tuesday, Sept. 10, please remember the following: 1. Bring the textbook to class (3rd edition of The Place Where We Dwell) 2. Print/reread Asimov’s essay “Intelligence” and in your notebook write a brief description, or summary, of … Continue reading

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Welcome Students

Hello Students of section 5363! This site will grow and develop during the semester, just like you will grow and develop as critical readers and writers. If you have any questions, please let me know via email: The course … Continue reading

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