What’s Your Favorite Sentence?

Demetri Parker

English Composition 1101/ 5363 (Prof. Scanlan)

November 13, 2013

 What’s Your Favorite Sentence?

 In A Coney Island of the Mind, by Katie Roiphe, my favorite sentence is, “The wooden track rising against the sky reminds me of the dinosaur bones in the American Museum of Natural History, which is not a reassuring image,” (paragraph 3). This is my favorite sentence because Roiphe compares the height of a roller coaster  track of a ride called the “Cyclone,” (paragraph 2), to extinct dinosaur fossils. When describing the height of the roller coaster Roiphe states what kind of track the roller coaster is made of, and talks as if the track is competing against the sky in a race. While Roiphe talks about dinosaur bones, I am able to connect to Roiphe by looking back on my own personal experience when I went to a museum, and too remembering the fossils. In conclusion I am able to visualize what Roiphe is saying in her sentence as if I am standing next to her.

“The sturdy plastic sky-high water slide tranquil in the clouds reflects on when I was at the peak of Kingda Ka, which still gives me chills.”


Works Cited

   Roiphe, Katie. “A Coney Island of the Mind,” The Place Where We Dwell: Reading and Writing About New York City. Eds. Juanita But, Mark Noonan, Seans Scanlan. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012. 11. Print.


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