Jeju Island


Demetri Parker

English Composition 1101/5363 (Prof. Scanlan)

November 3, 2013

Image Summary

While there were two photographs that I had picked to write a summary for, I like the photograph I picked of Seongsan Ilchulbong, Jeju Island Korea the most. This photograph was taken at 9:32 a.m, on October 19, 2009 by the author Justin De La Ornellas from Chinatown, Hawaii. I favor this photograph the most, because Jeju Island is the hometown of my family, and korean ancestors. The photograph is of Jeju Island, which consists of tall mountains, forest green trees, and modern houses. Houses that are located at the bottom of Jeju Island near the river bank are designed with little to no space away from one another, similar to the 4, 5, and 6-trains during rush hour with everyone shoulder to shoulder. Forest green trees hover around the houses, and behind them, while the mountains are behind and elevated above everything else described. Surrounding Jeju Island is an extremely clear sky, and an ocean, which appears to be moving at a tranquil pace. My dominant impression of this photograph is serene, and poised, because Jeju Island shows a place where I could some day visit and enjoy the peacefulness of being surrounded on a small island in the middle of an ocean, and with clear skies.

(210 words- not including the title)

Works Cited

Justin De La Ornellas. Seongsan Jeju Island 2009. Jeju Island, Korea. Wikimedia. Digital Image. Web. 19 Oct. 2009.


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