Category Archives: Uncategorized

Photos for my essay

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My Two Photos

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Photography essay

My photos for my photography essay

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My Photography essay’s pictures

These are the two photos that I will compare for my photography essay. Both of them were taken near Brooklyn Bridge. We had to go outside and do an experiment for our project.

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The Start of My Day

This photo was taken on October 6 at 8 am in the morning. This is the view of the start of my day. I wake up every morning and go to work and school. I cross the verrazano bridge everyday. The … Continue reading

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Photography Assignment

  Our school, being near Fulton mall and other attractions, can be very noisy and crowd most of the time. But I have to say this particular place was really quiet. While I was walking around looking for places to … Continue reading

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Susan Sontag Essay for October 15

Hi Class, I hope that your photo taking and photo reading is going well. Here is the Sontag essay for our October 15th quiz. The quiz will be a reading quiz over the terms of photography plus the Sontag and … Continue reading

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Signs from above

I took this picture on October 7, 2014 at 5:28 pm. The picture was taken on my way to the Q train going home. The painting is located on Hoyt St centered between Macy’s parking garage and Macy’s.The painting was … Continue reading

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Mysterious Artwork

  I enjoy casually walking around the area looking for spots to sit down and eat my lunch. Lately, I have been sitting behind NYU Poly Tech and in the middle of a dull, peaceful outdoor resting area, was a … Continue reading

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