Class Info
- Date: 10/21-10/27
- Meeting Info: In addition to the asynchronous portion of our class, we have the following synchronous opportunities, using the Zoom link distributed earlier this semester (ask if you need me to resend!):
- Optional writing lab session: Thursday, 10/22, 10:20am-11:20am.
- Office Hours: Monday 10/26 10:20-11:20 and Tuesday 10/27 1:30-2:30.
To-Do Before Class
We’re continuing to do work for Project #2, which is a research project about spaces for reflection. The Week 6 agenda, Week 7 agenda, and Week 8 agenda can help you catch up.
Project #2: reflective annotated bibliography on spaces for reflection
- To explore further the questions about reflection and the space around us
- To continue discussing how we research a topic
- To find sources for our research
- To draft bibliographic entries and annotations
To-Do This Week
- Develop a question or group of questions about spaces for reflection
- Find sources that help you develop those questions and explore answers
- If you haven’t submitted Project #1,or if you’ve lost track of what you need to submit for asynchronous coursework, please reach out to me–I can help. We can have a 1-on-1 Zoom meeting to get you on track.
- Please consider coming to office hours or writing with me in our writing lab if you want to check in with me about anything.
- Read the Project #2 assignment instructions. Re-read them a few times. You can take notes so you can ask questions, and to help you process what you have to do.
- Read the sources you’re finding as you research
- Read what your classmates and I have written in Project #2 posts and in our most recent discussions.
- Keep freewriting! 10 minutes. 10 minutes again. Write about what’s on your mind, or focus on the topic of spaces for reflection, or urban diary writing. Or something in your coursework, in the news, in your life, in your alternate reality. Write.
- Write a post in which you draft a bibliographic entry and annotation for a source according to the instructions in the Project #2 assignment instructions. This could be a new source, or it could be the one you found last week. Use the category ENG 1101 Project #2 Posts and add relevant tags–these should be the keywords or tags I asked you to include in your annotated bibliography. Try to write posts for 3 of your sources (yes, one post per source so you don’t have to write them all at once). In addition to the annotation, add to your post a paragraph about how you found your source (Google? Library database? some other way?) and why you picked it from a list of search results. You’ll need 4 sources and annotations total for Project #2, so doing 3 this week will help you get through most of them and leave you time next week for writing your introduction and conclusion for the project, as well as revising and refining your project.
- We’re spending all of this time thinking about built or natural spaces for reflection, and starting to think about questions we can ask that will help us focus our research. For our first discussion this week, share your ideas about what aspects of spaces for reflection you’re interested in. In our discussion, comment to share ideas about what questions you’re developing for your research, or even what narrower topics you’re considering.
- In our second discussion for the week, consider how Plato’s Allegory of the Cave presents spaces for reflection. What in Plato’s text is relatable to the kinds of spaces for reflection we’re looking at? In what ways is it unrelatable or incongruous with a space for reflection? Is there another text we’ve read/watched that relates to our focus on spaces for reflection–if so, how does it relate?
- Comment on at least one classmate’s comment, asking follow-up questions or making observations about what they found, in one of our discussions.
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