The short story we had to read “Who Knows Brooklyn?” is about two authors that both claim to know all about Brooklyn and are experts at it, but they are both very biased and different. John Manbeck is the first author who lived in Brooklyn and was a local histarian for about eight years. He also teaches journalism at Kingsborough, he was the author of several books but he always had problem with another man who is named, Brian Merlis. He is a social studies teacher in Queens, but they had a feud over who knows more about Brooklyn and would consatntly argue over who has more better quality in their writtings. One major difference is in Merlis because he likes to spice things up as quoted from the passage as saying “Local history is usually little-old-lady stuff,” Merlis said. “I try to add a  little salsa.”
Read more http://www.newyorker.com/talk/2009/09/21/090921ta_talk_mcgrath#ixzz29UkoboMf

Finally what I learned from this is that I can see a picture and then I can show it to a friend or a stranger and we will both have different views and might consider the other persons opinion as irrelevant or pointless, but this goes to show you that everyone sees and analyzes things differently, and that does not make them wrong you just have to be the bigger person and see if you can understand what they see.

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