you might be quite familiar with this picture. yes, this is the government building that was built after the tragic fire and burning down of the movie theater. i took this picture on our walking tour to BHS. this picture shows the statue of a man that fought for the rights of slaves and it also shows the place where the infamous theater once stood. this is approximately a 10 minute walk from city tech. in order to get here you must first exit through the back of city tech next to the library. you make a left and walk down adams st. towards johnson st. make a right on johnson st. and there you will find the building and the statue adjacent to each other. i chose this picture because it shows the history of brooklyn and how the area used to full of entertainment when the theater existed and what it is now.
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2 Responses to

  1. This is an interesting spot, both because of what used to be there and what is currently there, but what would you say the overlap is? Would the statue have been there when the theater was? Unfortunately, we can’t see any evidence of the theater fire, so you can’t write about that without relying on what Julie Golia told us or by doing research, rather than using your own observation skills. I would like you to choose something you can see, or see the remains of, so you can describe it yourself. I would also like you to choose something on your own–we already discussed both of these locations during our walking tour.

  2. I also wanted to clarify that the Brooklyn Theater was not a movie theater. How can we know that? What details about the theater and the fire specifically did Julie Golia give us when she told us about the Brooklyn Theater fire that would tell us this was not a movie theater?

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