After visiting the Brooklyn Historical Societ, it made me think of what kind of map I would use to help people visit my site that I talk about in my essay. Since we learned about the differen types , and had to present them in front of the class I have an idea on what kind I would use. The kind of map I would use would be a more modern road map that use the Internet to find you street views and pictures of the area. The reason I would pick this kind of map is simple. First off you can physically see the streets and what is around them. Also you can see businesses and local stores that can help you find your way around this area. It would include land marks such as the BHS and other ones like statues, buildings along with famous street names. Even if you manage to get lost there is a locate me now feature that finds you and directs you to your area and when you start to stray off or go the wrong way it vibrates and tells you to re dirext your self. So since we live in a technologically advanced nation I believe there are no need for paper maps , but instead we need fast virtual ones that cans locate us, guide is better and potentiay take us there as fast as possible. Finally this is how I would make my map , a easy to use virtual one that can help you and guide you at the same time.

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One Response to

  1. It’s an intriguing idea that we don’t need paper maps. What record of our environment are we leaving behind if not paper maps? Is it important to preserve maps, and if so, why?

    Have you ever gone somewhere relying on your phone’s maps program only to find that you don’t have service when you get there, or that your phone’s battery is nearly drained? That strikes me as an important use for a paper map!

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