Daily Archives: September 30, 2012

Brooklyn Borough Hall

          To arrive at Brooklyn Borough Hall you can simply exit through the back of city tech more specifically for those who are familiar with the bookstore exit that would be considered the back exit. From … Continue reading

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Liz’s Where I’m From

Where I’m from you here the horns of dollar vans, cursing, coming from the busy Avenue known as Flatbush. The only things that pop up are phone stores, and fast food. Where I’m from it takes you atleast an hour … Continue reading

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where I’m from,all you hear day in and out is gun shots. the air is filled with smoke, and it is hard to breathe where I’m from, teenagers are popping out  babies like it is the new fashion, walking in the streets with their strollers doing … Continue reading

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Overlapping New Yorks

To get to this place you exit City Tech make a right and walk to the corner of Johnson st and Jay. Pass the Family and Supreme Court and continue walking until you get to the Marriott Hotel right next to the … Continue reading

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Where I’m from

Where I’m from, the trees tower above you. The wind blows gently onto your face. The sun shines onto rooftops, and the birds sing in the morning. Children are always about, playing, and screaming. Where I’m from, people sit on … Continue reading

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where I’m from

Where I’m from is a place you really don’t want to be. Where I’m from you don’t walk the streets alone especially at nights. And if you must you walk with protection and hope it’s never 3 on 1. Where … Continue reading

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walking tour

on our walking tour we walked around the streets of downtown brooklyn. this was more a green area surrounded by buildings that were under construction. i have never been to that part of brooklyn before. it was an amazing experience. … Continue reading

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My journey walking around

This gallery contains 1 photo.

On Wednesday I decided to venture out of the school to explore and see the are around my school. So to me this was a great experience to get to be familiar with Brooklyn since I am from Queens. First I … Continue reading

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