MTP: Life After Graduation

I moderated the MTP event the Art + Design Club hosted two weeks ago and it was one hell of an experience! I was very nervous and remember making terribly awkward mistakes throughout the night but overall, I’m so glad I did it. It was great to know the professionals on the panel one on one and have a chance to be up and front of a crowd- even if that crowd was small and cold (it was snowing like crazy that day!)

I helped to introduce each and everyone of the 4 panelists speaking. We had 3 CityTech Alumni and it was interesting to hear their story. They seemed to be so successful and happy in their careers but it wasn’t a smooth ride for any of them. We asked each one of the panelist 2-3 questions concerning their work or design experience and they were very open and honest. One thing I remember from the night was one of the panelist (Edem) who was a design strategist at a startup mentioned how applying for jobs through jobsites like a companies website, craigslist, indeed, and others was a waste of time and their likelihood of getting that job was very low. He mentioned that the only “real” way to get a job was from networking and knowing someone. I definitely have to work on getting better at that.