My First Week at Impact Media

My first week on the job was much less stressful as I thought it would be. I work 9-3pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and, for the most part, just work behind the computer. It’s just and I for the whole day so when I come in, we go over assignments I need to work on and have even had some long conversations on the design world, politics, psychology, etc. He’s a really interesting boss and is extremely open to new ideas and opinions on just about everything. That part of his personality is one of the reasons why I decided to take the job- I feel like he is a very experienced individual and I can learn a lot from him. We’e developed a trusting relationship so far. I had a lot to learn the first week but he was open to showing me everything (not hiding any part of the company from me) and made sure I felt comfortable which I really appreciated. I guess that’s one of the perks of working for a smaller company.

I work on several different projects at a time and so far, I’ve worked a little on each one of them  every day I come into work. He stresses the importance of reaching deadlines in this industry, but he hasn’t exactly mentioned any for these particular projects. One of them is product designing for a tattoo parlor. I’ve been working on an Egyptian box design and the label for permanent tattoo ink.



Some of the work Impact Media has done in the past