Business of Design event

Last week, I attended a design workshop hosted with speaker Joel Pilger- a creative entrepreneur consultant. He owns his own company and spoke to us about how to start and run your own. Personally, I would not be interested in running a creative firm but it was still very interesting to hear about the process of doing so. He explained the different sectors of a company and that by being the entrepreneur, you would have to have your hand in a bit of everything like creative, sales, HR, finances, etc. Sounds like you should be a very well-rounded individual if you wanted to run your own company. I asked Joel if, when applying for jobs, if the person I am interviewing with would be interested in hiring someone who knew a bit of everything or just focused on one thing (graphic design, web design, etc.) I always get different answers when I ask but Joel mentioned that he usually looks for someone that is interesting. You could be a graphic designer and only know how to use Photoshop or InDesign etc. but would hire you over someone else based on your personality even more so. Can you get the work done and be an interesting person as well? You could know a bit of everything and be a master of none, but still- are you interesting? Do you think differently? Are you creative beyond working behind a computer screen? By showing Joel that you can think outside the box or that you’ve really experienced the world, you show him that you can bring new perspectives and ideas to a firm and any actual work you know how to do can always just be taught if you’re open to learning it.


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