Monthly Archives: November 2018


  • How would families ban internet devices from homes when main stream media entirely relaying via internet? That’s like denying yourself from what you direly need. Something very hard to do?
  • It’s evident that technological advancement made people smarter especially  children but it equally make them lazy as there are so many shortcuts and information is almost readily available when they need it. So they are kind of literally doing very little in accomplishing any task. In essence, almost no work now is original. They are always extracts of someone’s work.



Questions for Abu

Abu Fofana – The digital gap between rich and poor kids is not what we expect

What would you say the perfect mix of “screen time” would be?

What is the reason behind higher income class kids using their “screen” less then lower income classes? Whether it be restrictions from parents, exposure from tech companies, or high income kids being exposed to more extra curriculum activities.