Submitting Essay #1

As we discussed in class on Wednesday, please bring a paper copy of your essay to class. We will discuss some proofreading techniques, and then you will have until the end of the day on Thursday to submit Essay #1 electronically. I will be checking to see that you have a copy with you, and ask that you make sure you have time to print a copy.

To submit essays, we were going to use the Files feature on our Course Profile page, but when I realized that there was no way to make the files private without making our Profile private, I decided to use a more private method I’ve used in the past, Tomorrow you will receive an invitation from me to join Dropbox and our shared folder. I will distribute instructions about how to upload your file. You will have, as I stated before, until the end of the day on Thursday to submit your essay.

Please bring your book with you, or copies of Ch. 7: “Sounds,” 186-216, and Ch. 8: Patterns of Rhythm,” 217-243. If it is your turn to write a blog post this week and haven’t done it already, make sure you do it as soon as possible. You can write about any poems in these two chapters, or any poems in our last chapter, Ch. 6: Symbol, Allegory, and Irony,” 157-185. You might think about symbol, allegory, and irony, or you might look at rhyme and sound, and consider the impact that has on the way you hear, see, or understand the poem.

Everyone who is not writing a blog post is responsible for commenting. I see a few of you have already done so, and I hope everyone else will join in soon! Everyone, posters and commenters alike, are responsible for posting an entry in our glossary.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email. If you have questions that your classmates or I can answer, you can use our Discussion forum on questions. I see that some of you are continuing to use the Discussion fora instead of blog posts. Please repost your work as a blog post to receive credit for your work. Let’s make sure that we’re using the blog posts for our scheduled posts and any additional posts we want to share. The Discussion fora serve a different purpose; we can consider these different functions together to better understand how to use the OpenLab to the fullest extent.

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