
Intermingling- (verb)

Definition: to mix together


Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen (P. 385)

Passage: “The woman felt that the story, dealing as it did with race intermingling and possibly adultery, was beyond definite discussion.”

The word intermingle basically means to combine or mix together. After reading this definition I now understand that the woman felt that the story of mixing race and possibly adultery was a for sure discussion to have.


Donning- (verb)

 Definition: to put on (a piece of clothing)


 Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen (P. 382)

 Passage: “Evidently, she had had little time or thought for the careful donning of the five-years-behind-the-mode garments which covered her, and which even in their youth could hardly have fitted or suited her.”

The word don basically means a piece of clothing that you’d change into. Helga used the word don expressing that she didn’t care much to put on those “five-years-behind-the-mode” garments that barely fitted her.


Acute- (adjective)

Definition: having or showing an ability to think clearly and to understand what is not obvious or simple about something; highly developed


Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen. (P. 380)

Quote: “In the office a few nondescript women sat scattered about on the long rows of chairs. Some were plainly uninterested, others wore an air of acute expectancy, which disturbed Helga.

After reading this definition I now understand that Helga was a little disturbed by the row of women because some seemed to be a little sharp and clever, which may have intimidated her a bit.


Leisure- (noun)

Definition: time when you are not working; time when you can do whatever you want to do


Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen. (P. 380)

Quote: “It had been pleasant, the leisure, the walks, the lake, the shops and streets with their gay colors, their movement, after the great quiet of Naxos.”

After finding out the definition of leisure, I now understand that Helga was trying to explain that it was good while it lasted. She enjoyed the free time and relaxation.


Bestowed– (verb)

Definition: to give (something) as a gift or honor


Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen. (P. 380)

Quote: “The friendly person at the desk in the hall bestowed on her a kindly smile when Helga stated her business and asked for directions.”

After reading this definition I now understand that bestow means that the person at the desk granted Helga with a kindhearted smile with no hesitation.


Dissociate- (verb)

Definition: to end your relationship with or connection to someone or something : to separate (yourself) from someone or something


Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen. (P. 378)

Passage: “When she was in the street, she ran. Her only impulse was to get as far away from her uncles house, and this woman, his wife who so plainly wished to dissociate herself from the outrage of her very existence.”

After reading this definition I now understand that Helga wanted to get as far away as possible from her uncle and his wife. Her uncles wife didn’t want any type of connection or relation with Helga.


Berth- (noun)

Definition: a place to sleep on a ship, train, etc.


Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen. (P. 377)

Passage: “Her eyes sought the small watch at her wrist. Ten hours to Chicago. Would she be lucky enough to prevail upon the conductor to let her occupy a berth, or would she have to remain here all night, without sleep, without food, without drink and with that disgusting door panel to which her purposely averted eyes were constantly, involuntarily staring?”

By reading this definition I now understand that Helga was contemplating in her head if she’d be lucky enough to win over the conductor to see if he’d just let her relax in the train or she’d be kicked out helplessly.


Loathsome- (adjective)

Definition: causing feelings of hatred or disgust : very bad


Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen. (P. 376)

Passage: “Her rescue by Uncle Pete, who had sent her to school, a school for Negroes, where for the first time she could breathe freely, where she discovered that because one was dark, one was not necessarily loathsome and could, therefore, consider oneself without repulsion.”

After reading this definition I now understand that Helga was explaining that for once she had gone to school with a sense of relief and just because someone was colored didn’t mean that others hated them or were disgusted.


Irk- (transitive verb)

Definition: to bother or annoy (someone) ; to make weary, irritated, or bored


Found in: “Quicksand” By, Nella Larsen. (Pg. 374)

Passage: “Most people achieve a sort of protective immunity, a kind of callousness, toward them. If they didn’t, they couldn’t endure. I think there’s less of these evils here than in most places, but because we’re trying to do such a big thing, to aim so high, the ugly things show more, they irk some of us more. Service is like clean white linen, even the tiniest speck shows.”

After reading this definition I now understand that Dr. Anderson was trying to say that because Helga was trying to make everything so perfect, everything little thing started to bother her even more.



Quicksand / Chapter 18

“It was, too, as she was uncomfortably aware even a trifle ridiculous, and mentally caricatured herself, moving shuttle like from continent to continent. From the prejudiced restrictions of the New World to the easy formality of the old. From the pale calm of Copenhagen to the colorful lure of Harlem.”


Caricature- Noun

A representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect ( The dictionary app)

I understand this passage better by knowing the meaning of these two words. Helen felt as if she was unimportant. As she traveled back and forth in between continents that void she was looking to fill , could define her entire existence. She seemed to exaggerate the importance of every detail of everything, and now that exaggeration was of herself. In  her mind, she was looked at as a joke in Harlem as well as Denmark, Copenhagen.