Proffessions for Woman

The writer in this reading was stating her opinion of woman professionals in our society. The writer explains that just because woman have more opportunity’s  in the work force, than in the past it doesn’t necessary mean that woman are actually equal to men. In her particular situation she is a writer who faces the issues of sexism in her line of work. She refers to an angel who she kills, which is the angel within herself, the angel is the conscious voice in her mind that try’s to prevent her from writing things that would not come from the idealistic  woman society tells her she should be, the angel is a warm woman who is sheltered in her home a woman with no voice or strong opinion, she had to kill the thought of this “angel of a woman” so that she can write freely without concern or shame. Woman are not allowed to think or say certain things, there’s  an invisible code of moral that has been placed upon woman since the beginning of time , being a writer is one of the best ways one can express themselves freely , the writer felt as if she could not do her job as well because of her inner woman, this angel of a woman kept getting in the way, she then had to kill her; remove the angel  out of her thoughts,  she then dosent have to feel as if her writing has  boundaries because she is a woman.