Texts to discuss in class on Thursday

In class tomorrow, we will be discussing two texts: Frida Kahlo, “Love Embrace of the Universe, The Earth (Mexico), Diego, Me, and Señor Xolotl” 1949, and Margaret Atwood, “There Was Once” 1992 (sign in to JSTOR using your library barcode number, which starts with 22477). To get our conversation started, reply to this post with a comment about the Frida Kahlo painting, considering any of the following questions or one of your own. Feel free also to ask a question for clarification or to further our discussion.

  • What do you notice in Kahlo’s depiction?
  • What is present/what is missing?
  • When did Kahlo paint this?  Does that affect your interpretation of the image?
  • Who are the characters depicted in the painting?
  • What depictions of women do you see, and how do you interpret them?
  • What do you think Kahlo’s message is?
  • How does the type of medium an artist uses affect the resulting piece of art?

We will read the Margaret Atwood text aloud in class, so be prepared to act it out! You should begin to consider what the characters sound like, how you would depict them in your performance, and how that conveys meaning to the audience.