
occurring between members of the same country, group, or organization


You know you believe it when you start your own little family with some person you met four years ago in a bar and then he tries to open the presents on Christmas Eve because that’s what he did in his family and you have the strong urge to run screaming from the building holding your banner about the end and how it is nigh. It is a moving and comic thing — a Murdochian scuffle between the Real and the Dream — to watch a young couple as they teeter around the Idea of Christmas, trying to avoid internecine festive warfare.”


They didn’t want their traditions to clash now that they’re living together.


having or showing very strong feelings


“Certainly better than Denzil’s the year he got his own place and phoned us to say he’d killed a partridge in the backyard with a slingshot and just finished eating it like a proper English gentleman (it was a London pigeon, of course). Oh, we Smiths are ardent seekers after the spirit of Christmas, and we do not listen to Iris Murdoch’s sensible analogical advice: ”Good represents the reality of which God is the dream.” We’re chasing the dream, baby.”

They spent their time better than Denzil did.



to increase in number or amount quickly


“Denzil found this out when he attempted, on this most sacred of days, to do the things we could not do because we’d always done them another way, our way — a way we all hated, to be sure, but could not change. Denzil wants to open a present on Christmas Eve — don’t do that, Denzil. Denzil wants to go for a walk — I’m so sorry, Denzil, that’s impossible. We’d like to, but we just can’t swing it. Why not? Because, Denzil. Just because. Because like the two parts of Ireland, because like the Holy Trinity, because like nuclear proliferation, like men not wearing skirts, because like brandy butter.”

She made it clear that the reason they couldn’t go against their traditions or do things differently was because they were so used to it and it’s routine. It doesn’t really need an explanation




a flat area of ground that is covered with a hard material (such as bricks or concrete), is usually behind a house, and is used for sitting and relaxing


“This Christmas was the only time we ever met each other, Denzil and I. He was the gift that kept on giving, with his strange patois and his huge feet and the piggyback rides he conducted out on the balcony because the ceilings were too low. Outside was where he wanted to be anyway — you can tell that much from the look of infinite weariness he’s giving my dad’s left elbow.”

He wanted to change up Christmas, he was very different and fun loving.




to exist or happen at an earlier time than (something or someone)


“As for the ”Natural Woman” Christmas or the ”You’ve Got a Friend” Christmas – these predate my consciousness. But they must have existed, what with Ben being a September baby and me October. Those were the sexy Noels, delivering babies like presents nine months later.”

I still don’t really understand what this passage means.



of or relating to a theme


“I think it’s Carole King’s ”Tapestry” on the record player. But which song? ”It’s Too Late” would make thematic sense – my dad’s smile has the let’s-just-get-through-this tension of a code-red marriage.”

I understand that they the Smith family was so used to their own traditions and nothing else made sense. They were listening to a song that represented this “theme” or their Christmas.


Nigh – Adverb

Definition : close in time or place, almost or nearly


Found in:  Scenes From the Smith Family Christmas by Zaide Smith

Quote:  “You have the strong urge to run screaming from the building holding your banner about the end and how it is nigh.” (3rd page, 5th paragraph)

The narrator is thinking about how she wants to run and scream holding a banner that says about the end of the world and how it is coming soon.


Cultish – Adjective

 Description:  intended to appeal to a small group of fashionable people


 Found in:  Scenes From the Smith Family Christmas by Zaide Smith

 Quote:  “Poor Denzil; off the plane from Jamaica into bitter England, and stuck in the most cultish, insular day in the nuclear-family calendar.” (page 2, second paragraph from bottom).

In this quote the narrator is referring to her uncle Denzil who has been back from Jamaica to live with them in England. Knowing this word now made me understand that Denzil is coming from a crowded family and is now included in the narrator’s small family.

Photo memory

This is a photograph of my grandmother, great grandmother and my older brother, around late 1980’s or earlier. My grandmother is wearing a red and white lace African outfit with her head customarily tied with my bother on her lap.  That leaves my  great grandmother wearing a dark brown outfit with colorful patterns. They are comfortably sitting down on a tan sofa visiting a relative or two or so it seems. The house could be where I lived back home with just different arrangements.

This is one of the few pictures I have of my grand parents. A lot of the memorable photos that my family had, all were destroyed and misplaced. But this photo survived,
My mother first tired to enlarge this photo from a 4 by 4 size  to a 8 by 8 inch size. This picture has always been so special to me because this is the only picture I have of both of my grandparents together. I never met my grandmother because she died before I was born, but I knew my great grand mother growing up

Every time I look  at this picture, it remains me of the times me and siblings bothered my great grandmother. I was around seven years old or younger. I remember making fun of how she walked and how she spoke so softly you had to came close to her lips to hear whatever it was she was saying. She used to always say “you guys leave me,” in my native language creole. She didn’t say much but her disciple ways were always something to look back on and laugh.

Looking at this photography brings me back to the times my great grand mother ate fufu and okra. This meal is serve in Sierra Leone. I remember always avoiding to eat with her or eat her left overs because she was old. As a child I hated eating left overs from old people because I thought it was grist. I remember her constantly screaming at me for this habit I had, but she loved me anyhow, she would say ate or you’re going to go to sleep hungry

I can also remember the day she died just from looking at this picture, her body was cold and she became very tiny. This picture means the world to me and I am glad to share this. I was influence by Zadie Smith “Scenes from the smith family Christmas.”image

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PhotoBiography: More like family

This was my oldest god brother’s birthday celebration. If you couldn’t tell, I’m the little girl making the craziest face. I couldn’t tell you when this photo was taken. All I know is that I had no front teeth and I didn’t care. I actually took advantage of the new gaps in my mouth, thrusting my tongue through to create the worst face I could possibly make. My youngest god brother is the one that I’m holding on to. He always had the most serious face growing up, as if he was an old man. As I was observing us in the photo, I realized that he still makes that face to this day. He’s definitely been someone who has always been that person that I can hold on to and act crazy with and he wouldn’t respond being afraid or alarmed. He understood me and my crazy ways, and still does now. As for the girl in the green top, she does respond, but it’s okay. She’s my god sister, and someone that I’ve grown to appreciate as an outlet of emotion and a source of counsel. The face she makes in this photo reminds me that she’s kind of like me. She has her crazy and eccentric moments, which helps me be really comfortable around her. I think this photo does a great job of capturing my relationship with these two people. They aren’t just friends or people that I’ve known for a long time. They are my extended set of siblings. I’ve had great laughs and great tears with these two. If there is ever something I need to get off my chest, or just want to talk, they’re there for me, and I am for them. We’ve been through a lot together, like when mutual friend of ours past away. I didn’t realize how important they were to me. The thing that shocked me the most was that I was the same for them. I held my god brother the same way through that struggle the same way I did in this photo (even though it was so much harder this time, he’s way taller than me).  We were shoulders to cry on and hands to hold. I’m not even that close to cousins I grew up with. Yet these two were a part of a group of people who weren’t just in my life for a moment, but my lifetime. They are more than friends, they’re my family.


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