An introduction to my life

Hello! My name is Keila Torres. I currently live in Brooklyn and I am of Puerto-Rican descent. I have been employed now for 5 years in a nonprofit organization working with people who have developmental disabilities, such as Down syndrome or Cerebral palsy. They are family to me now, even coming over to my house to watch wrestle mania or enjoying kris kringles together. In fact, I would recommend reading the essay “Welcome to Holland” by Emily Kingsley, a mother of a Down syndrome child (for anyone interested). Working with different communities of people have spurred a passion for me to enter the nursing work field. I am also at Citytech to finish my LAS degree. I enjoy reading and learning about different literary works, especially the time period or life experiences that affected the authors when writing. I love when a piece of writing can have such a profound effect on your day or even your outlook. One of my favorite quotes is “Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.” I am excited to learn more about women writers in this course, and I hope that i can bring some value to the course as well!

Freshman Year

Hi, my name is Farhana Haque and I’m from Bangladesh. I chose this class because I love books and an introduction to women writers seemed like an interesting course to take. My favorite female poet is Maya Angelou and favorite novelist is Marjane Satrapi. During my free time, I enjoy cooking, traveling and dancing. I travel a lot, and so far I’ve been to Bangladesh, the U.A.E., parts of the Caribbean, and plan on exploring Europe with my best friend this Spring Break. I love the feeling of traveling to a new country and learning about different cultures along the way. I believe it is the single best way to learn about our fellow human beings. I finally decided this year that I want to major in Psychology. I’ve always enjoyed analyzing people and situations and also love helping people get to the core of their problems and so it seemed fit to choose this profession. I am currently working on a book of my own in the meantime inspired by the show, Girls. I am very much in touch with my own culture and love visiting my country every chance I get. Most of my family members live there and I am very family oriented. My favorite quote is, “Where you invest your love, you invest your life.”


Now that our course is beginning, let’s take some time to get to know each other. Please write a blog post introducing yourself. Let us know what your interests are–academic, extracurricular, professional–and what makes you interesting. This post should be between 200 and 300 words (approximately one typed page). You might consider it a draft of the bio you add to your OpenLab profile or your ePortfolio, so it can do double or triple duty.

A few guidelines:

  • You need to have an OpenLab account and have joined our Openlab Course to complete this assignment. Please follow my instructions in my welcome post to create an account and to join our course.
  • On the OpenLab, you are known only by your display name. That means that you do not need to identify yourself by your proper name. Please do not include your name if you do not feel comfortable doing so.
  • Similarly, you may include a photograph of yourself if you want, but it is not required. Consider your privacy and do what makes you comfortable.
  • Follow the Blogging guidelines for the course
  • To get credit for writing this introduction (your first homework assignment and also attendance for the first day of class), be sure to choose the category Introductions on the right-hand side of the screen when you write your post.
  • Choose an interesting title that interests your readers in what you have written.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to comment on my post and I’ll respond to you that way (even if you don’t have an OpenLab account yet, you can still add a comment below).

I’ll write again soon with instructions for our first reading and response assignment.