


the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children:
i..e The employees objected to the paternalism of the old president.
In the story
“then you can scratch  he condescending paternalistic terminology. it’s women, pal.Women


Who is Cinderella?

In the literary piece “There Was Once”  by Marget Atwood, Atwood describes a dialogue between a storyteller and a reader (second speaker). As the storyteller was telling the story of Cinderella the “reader” demands to make changes to the first line of the story.The speaker questions the story tellers motive and expailns how such a simple sentence can effect and influence many people. Atwood sugests that the storyteller is a male in the literary piece it states  “midde ages men are like –, Hey ,just a minute I’m a middle aged–” This plays a segnificate role in how the story is told. Being that the storyteller is male it changes the meaning of some words what  does he mean by beautiful, as the speaker discussed in this piece is Cinderella short ,fat ,black,white red?I Since this story is told in a males point of view words like evil, and beautiful may be different from a women definition of evil and beautiful. I think what the speaker is trying to explain in this piece is that in a story such as Cinderella everything will be over analyzed but its readers. I’m not a Psychcolgy major but I have took any corusres on the subject. In one of the cousres we discuss how the story of Cinderella molds the mind of children and or readers. This story paints a picture for the child/reader and generalized women and stepmothers. That is what I think the speaker was trying to explain to the story teller .

The story of Mallard

Yamena Taha  

In the short story “The Story of an Hour” the author Kate Chopin describes a story about a women’s life journey to find happiness. As I was reading I noticed the main theme was irony. In the story Chopin explains how the main character Mrs,Mallard mother of six has heart problems. She is about to hear the news of her husband’s death. It is very ironic that Mrs. Mallard begins to have heart problems around the time when she found out about her husband’s death. Mrs. Mallard irony does find happiness. She expresses her joy, not her joy for her husband’s death but for her freedom. This emotion is symbolizes by her looking out for the window, symbolizing freedom. Not only did she emotionally express hurt freedom she verbally expressed her freedom after her husband’s death. She begins to feel guilty for he emotions. Later on in the story, Chopin later uses the literately technique, imagery. She begins see her dead husband on her door step. As we know Mrs.Mallard has heart problems. I believe that the theme of this story is death and or tragedy the reason for this is because it seems that Mrs.Mallard has died from heart disease.


Hello fellow classmates my name is Yamena this is my second year at city tech. to be honset i have no idea how to use open lab , I hope I’m doing this right. currently I am a Liberal Arts major, I am planning to transfer to the Computer Education program here at city tech. My parents are from Palestine, they moved here after they got married. they had six childern. I have four brothers and one sister. one of the reasons why i want to become a educator because I am and very good with children. I have many younger cousins that I would watch daily. Being arab is all about family .Some of my hobbies are baking and makeup, hopefully after getting my masters in education. I  would like to got to makeup school.Well I  think thats all there is to know about me 🙂