Midterm questions 1


“I cry at nothing, and cry most of the time.”









  • identify the title of the text- The Yellow Wallpaper
  • identify the author-Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • explain what is happening in the passage, – In this passage, her disorder , loniless and unhappy marriage makes her very sad and makes her depressed.
  • explain how it connect to larger issues or themes in the text- This is connected to the larger issues in the text which is how her disorder and her unhappy marriage makes her feel unwanted. Also due to her disorder she was kept in her bedroom isotlated form the outdie world which made her go crazy



Lynn Cottage wrote a play called Intimate Apparel. The story takes place in 1905. The main character is an African American seamstress her name is Esther. Esther lives in a boarding house for females. She usually sews intimate apparel for her female clients. Her clients range from wealthy white patrons to prostitutes. Esther didn’t want to be a seamstress her whole life she wanted to open up a beauty parlor. The specify catered to African- American women. Esther wanted African –American women to just as special as her wealthily clients. Like all women Esther wanted to find Mr. Right. There was a man named George how began to send her letters. Esther couldn’t read because she was illiterate. In 1905 this was very common problem for African American women, this proves that Esther had to work at a very yung age and didn’t have opportunity to go to school. So to respond too the letters she had Mayne and Mrs.Van Buren respond to the letters. After many letters Esther agreed to marry George. Esther lived in New York, when he arrived Esther noticed that he wasn’t the man he as in the letters. He sent all her money on alcohol and whores.  Personally this was a very easy play to read the reason for that is because  the author explained everything in great detail. Even though thi story took place in 1905 this troy can relate to women today.

Manifesto, late assignment from 2/25 !

In Loy’s “Feminist Manifesto” she wants women to take charge of their and stop living in the shadows of men. Women fight for equal rights everyday .Back in the 1900s women were fighting for the rights more than they are today and Loy expresses that in her “Feminist Manifesto”. Loy expresses her feeling a towards the subject. Loy states “the desire for comfortable protection instead of and intelligent curiosity and courage in meeting”. Loy wants women to strive for what they want in life. Loy wants women to feel comfortable with their choices in life and not settle for anything or anyone.

If I were to write a manifesto on women in today’s society, I would probably write about the way society views  women and their bodies. The reason I would choose this topic is because in today’s society people will look down on women covering their bodies, I.e. Muslim women, and praise women that show their bodies to the world. Most women believe that in order to attention form men they need to show them their bodies instead of their minds. This is a very weird situation women should approach the world with their intelligence not their bodies. I do have to say that it’s not completely our fault, the men are at fault as well, but as powerful and intelligent women we need to change this issue.  

Glossary (the yellow wallpaper)

“I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more

Society and stimulus” page 2.


Definition Stimulus- something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought.


1. incitement, enticement, motive, provocation. 2. stimulant.


1. discouragement.

Source- Dictionary.com

Yellow Wallpaper; Horror Story?! Late assignment

In the Yellow Wallpaper written by Charotte Perkins, there is a married couple. John and his wife. I believe this story to be a horror story. The reason for this is because the story starts about with the narrator describing their estate. At first she seems pleased with the home. As she continued to describe the home it felt as if she was describing a haunted house. She then speaks of her illness and how John belittles her illness. John doesn’t only belittle her illness but the also belittles her everything about her.  John doesn’t care much about her thoughts or personal issues. In the bedroom there is a yellow wallpaper that she says is “revolting”. In secret she writes a journal which john doesn’t approve of. After the summer days pasts she continues to write in the journal against the approval of her husband. Over time her hatred for the wallpaper has turned into a form for entertainment for her. She began to study the patterns in the wallpaper. John noticed and he thought that she was improving. She believed that there is a women trapped in the wallpaper. I don’t think that the patterns that she sees describes a women that is trapped, I believe that she sees herself in the wallpaper. She is trapped within the walls of husband and her illness. She has to hide her feelings away. Personally knowing how that feeling is a horror story in its self. If she can’t express herself, and keeps her feels inside she will “crack” which is what happen when she ripped the wallpaper from the walls to free the women. methaoraly she was freeing herself from her thoughts and the “walls” that were up put up by her husband. After the wallpaper was ripped off the narrator  “I had to creep over him every time!” this is the most powerful statement though out the story this proves that she had overcome her fears and is finally to break free. This isn’t your normal horror story there are no physical monsters or villains instead it’s her husband her illness and her thoughts.


***Miss Furr and Miss Skeene****

Page 500, second paragraph

“They were regular in being gay , thy learned many little things that are things in being gat , they were gay everyday , they were regular ,there were gay,they were the same lentgh of time everyday , they were gay , they were quite regularly gay ”

The first piece I read was “Miss Furr and Miss Skeene” , after reading the few lines I was very interested. In just the first paragraph the word gay was use countless times. Considering that this was written in 1925, I thought it was normal. As I began to read i noticed  that the word “fay ” was very significant in this couples relationships. In the story the word Gay didn’t just mean happy, there where times that the word “gay”. in the story the word “gay” was used not only as happiness , i believe that it was used as satfiactfied or content. i was believe that the tone of the story change throughout the story.

In the quote above the author uses gay many times , but they way the word Gay was used was in a different tone then it was throughout the story . the word gay meant many different things throughout the story other than happy .

Utopia and Dystopia

***We might use the words utopia and dystopia to describe the two short stories by   Charlotte Perkins Gilman that we read. What do those words mean? Which story is utopian and which is dystopian? Why?****

A simple definition of utopia is an imagery place where laws, government and society are perfect.Utopia can also be a emotion or a state of mind. What I mean by this is that some one can live in a constant state of happiness, never feel any sadness, that can also be characterized as a utopia. The opposite of this is called dystopia,this a place where there is society filled with misery and destruction. this can also be characterizes as depression. Dystoipa & Utopia doesn’t just have to be about the society itself , a big role in these two definitions is a persons state of mind , in my opinion.

In the story “The Yellow Wallpaper I believe that it is a dystopia narrative. The reason for this is because there wasn’t much joy or happiness express throughout the story. It seems that the tone of the story was very depressing and sad. the protagonist of the story didn’t express much love instead she expresses sadness and misery throughout the story.

In the story “The Cottagette”would be expressed as an utopia.the tone of the protagonist was very happy and joyful of life. In the story the setting was always described as beautiful and happy place.Overall the tone of this story was quite and beautiful unlike the tone of “The Yellow Wallpaper”.

The Yellow Wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper

* I dont like our room a bit. I wanted one downstairs that opened on the piazza and had roses all over the window, and such pretty old – fashioned chintz hanging hangings! But John would not hear of it ”

**”Out of one window I can see the garden , those mysterious deep shaded arbors, the riotous old-fashioned flowers, and bushes and gnarly trees”

***”  I cry at nothing , cry most of the time ”

I personally believe that these three quotes represent the couples relationship. though out the reading i noticed that the wife keeps most of her emotions to herself . In the first quote she expresses her dislike for there room but decides not to tell John. I don’t think that’s the right thing to do in a healthy relationship couples are to speak to each-other abut everything and not hold anything back. I don’t think that there marriage is a healthy relationship.

Now this second quote I believe is very symbolic. She speaks of beautiful flowers, flowers represent love and romance.since she is looking out of a window at the flowers and trees i feel that represent a “need” for love. i noticed throughout the story there were may occasions hen she would bring up her love for nature . i believe that is a symbol for love from her husband.

The last quote is the simplest but with the most meaning. Crying means that your either happy or extremely sad. In this case I believe that she is confused. When she said ” i cry at nothing ” means that she is confused ,and doesn’t know if she is satisfied  with her life and her marriage to her husband.