The Yellow Wallpaper & Cottagette

  • “The paint and paper look as if a boys’ school had used it. It is stripped off—the paper—in great patches all around the head of my bed, about as far as I can reach, and in a great place on the other side of the room low down. I never saw a worse paper in my life.”

Here the narrator thinks that the wallpaper looks like that boys from school have used it and it not very pleasant to look at.


  • “The color is repellent, almost revolting; a smouldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight.

It is a dull yet lurid orange in some places, a sickly sulphur tint in others.”


Here the narrator describes the paper’s color. She can’t make up on her mind on what the color is. This shows she can be very unreliable at anytime according to her mood.


  • I’m getting really fond of the room in spite of the wall-paper. Perhaps BECAUSE of the wall-paper.



She is not sure of what is causing her rage towards the room. From here on it seems like she can discover something new that can be the reason behind her spite of the room.


  • “Open the door, my darling!”

The narrator states that John is a very controlling person. This quotation from the story seems like john is trying to get her to open the door because he is really mad that’s he doesn’t know what is going on, but proceeds to ask nicely.


“He is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction.”

The narrator clearly tell us that he is very controlling. He is loving and caring but won/t let things happen any other way but his way.


“My brother is also a physician, and also of high standing, and he says the same thing.”

Here as her husband he is also a physician. He wants to treat and believes he can. She rejects and says that his brother would say the same about her as he did.


I believe that the “The yellow wallpaper is dystopia because everything is unpleasant to the narrator. There is no peace and is very unpleasant. She is in a bad environment with bad vibes. Where as the “Cottagette” is utopia. Besides all the negative things the husband lets her carry on with what ever she desires. She is in a pleasant environment.

I believe that both stories have a similar setting area. It is just that both characters describe their surroundings very differently. In the yellow wallpaper she is disgusted and annoyed of her surrondings. Malda describes her surrounding as peaceful and exactly the place to be.


I think in the “cottagette” Malda is very reliable. She is steady with her thoughts and feelings about certain things. “Before, when I woke up, there was only the clean wood smell of
the house, and then the blessed out-of-doors: now I always felt the call
of the kitchen as soon as I woke. An oil stove will smell a little,
either in or out of the house; and soap, and–well you know if you cook
in a bedroom how it makes the room feel differently? Our house had been
only bedroom and parlor before.”

She expresses how she loves to cook and clean. She expresses her passion to do this through out the story.


Margaret Atwood

There Was Once by Margaret Atwood is a retell of the Cinderella. There are two speakers in this story. First which is the story teller and second who keeps correcting the first. The whole story was never told because the second speaker kept interrupting the first speaker. She was trying to tell a story of a girl who lived with her step mother and what not. The second speaker rudely kept interrupting her and forced her to make changes in the way she told her story. She made her use different words simply because the words the first speaker used were too mainstream. First the second speaker didn’t like the word poor. Clearly the two speakers had their own definitions of poor and which were very different from each other. Then she was forced not to use the word beautiful, and when she described in details how the girl looked like she was unable to do that as well. Overweight and front teeth sticking out apparently encouraged anorexia. To a reader when each word is question it either means that the second speaker wants to hear the story their way or doesn.t want to hear the story at all. As far as elements of fiction this piece never got to the plot because of her being questioned to every word she said. The characters have to different personalities. The first speaker who wants to tell her story and get straight to the point. Where the second character is rude and wants to hear what she wants to hear.  The story teller seemed to get annoyed of the second speaker’s changes. Nothing was good enough for her to hear.

The Story of an Hour

The Story of an Hour has many turning points. From the beginning we were told that Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble. From that point on I knew that this would be a major part to when the rising action comes along in the story. The story has a repeating climax and falling action. At first the climax is where Mrs. Mallard is told that her husband had died in a railroad accident. To reassure Mr. Mallard had passed away, she was told he was the first one on the list. I was in when Mrs. Mallard’s heart problems didn’t give her a problem. Instead she went in her room crying and weeping. The setting was spring. That is where slowly she came to realize that she is now free. She has no one and she is able to do anything without any ones permission. As a reader I thought this was the end of the story. I came to realize that when the story was being told and the part that where someone was trying to open the door I came to realize this is another turning point. When the door had opened it was Mr. Mallard. He happened to not even know about the accident. This is where the falling action takes place. Mrs. Mallard saw Mr. Mallard alive and went through a shock & had died. Her heart problems took its part. They said joy that kills, but was it really joy that Mrs. Mallard died from?  new_doc


My name is Tayyaba. This is my second year in City Tech. I was in the Dental Technician field but then I changed my major to liberal arts in science. Music helps me relieve my stress. I’m also a huge fan of makeup. I absolutely love collecting the limited edition sets. I love doing makeup on others too. Although becoming a cosmetologist isn’t what I want as a career. I have always wanted to become a dentist. They say smiling is contagious to I wanted to help others get the smile they always wanted. Hopefully in another 2 years I will get my bachelors. With that I plan on going to dental school.  I am also very competitive especially when it’s male vs female. This is one reason why I chose women writers. I wanted to explore the world of women writers. How the first female got her name out with her written piece. I would love to have discussions on how female portrays her feelings into her writings. Another thing I like to do is travel. I’m Pakistani so I always go to Pakistan, along with that I have been to Saudi Arabia, England, & Canada.  Overall I’m a jolly person.