Widow’s Freedom or Not!

In the short story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, I noticed not only an ironic ending, I realized that it focused on the idea of freedom.

At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Mallard cried dramatically when she learned that Mr. Mallard was dead. This started the storm of grief point. She continued to cry when she was alone in her room spurred by emotions and while she was thinking about the joy of spring. This highlighted both her sorrow and happiness over her dead husband. When she was alone in her room she realized that she now is an independent woman and she thought that during those coming years she would live for herself.

The open window mentioned in the reading provided a beautiful spring life with blue sky, smell of rain, trees and birds signing, which represented Mrs. Mallard’s own bright future. She felt like the open window provides her with the life itself.  The open window symbolized her freedom that is waiting for her. The author also said “as a child” and this symbolizes new life and new beginnings also.

An important point that was highlighted by the author was when she wrote, “She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday that she had thought with a shudder that life might be long”.  Mrs. Mallard shuddered at the thought of a long life, now however she feels free and independent and her life is suddenly worth living, whereas she once hoped life would be short. She turned to prayer hoping for a long life to enjoy this feeling of freedom.

Mrs. Mallard admitted her husband being kind and loving and she had loved him but often she had not. When her husband returned, she died unable to face the return of the life that she had dreaded so much, as the doctor indicated her heart disease being a joy that kills. 1 2

A little about me

My name is Sibel. I was born in Turkey and have been living in New York since 1993. I came to USA when I was 13 years old. I have been living away from my parents for 20 years. It has been rough but they had always dreamed of a better life for me and by sending me to USA to stay with my aunt was what they thought was the first step for that.

I am a single mother of two. My son is 10 and my daughter is 5.  After a 9 year break I decided to return to school and pursue a degree.   My major is Human Service and this is my last semester.  Yes, it has been hard on me and my kids for me to juggle around school, work, internship and home, but at the end of the day when I come home to see my kids happy and healthy, I realize that I am doing a good job and I can do much better.

I know that it doesn’t sound like I have a spare time for myself but, I love to spend time with my kids. Weekends are mommy and me days for my kids.  All three of us love to build Lego cities. We have a closet full of Lego sets.  I love cooking, mostly Turkish food. We are planning our first family trip to Turkey this summer.  Everyone is pretty excited already.   My mother-in-law is also living with us. We enjoy her company and we love her.  She has been a great support.

The reason I took this course is because I needed an advanced English course to graduate. I also realized that, I read a lot of Turkish novels and my favorite authors are women for some reason, I thought it would be interesting to learn about women writers.  Looks like an interesting class already.