
Novel: Quicksand

Traversing – Noun

Definition: something that crosses or lies across


Passage: She arrived at the administration building in a mild rage, as unreasonable as it was futile, but once inside she had a sudden attack
of nerves at the prospect of traversing that
great outer room which was the workplace of
some twenty odd people.

Understanding: Helga is nervous about crossing a room


Novel: Quicksand

Passage: How her maladjustment had
bothered him I She had a faint notion that it
was behind his ready assent to her suggestion
anent a longer engagement than, originally, they
had planned.

Definition: About

Understanding: Helga is talking about how they thought her engagement was longer then they had planned on it being.


Novel: Quicksand

Passage: That was the crux of the whole matter.
For Helga, it accounted for everything, her
failure here in Naxos, her former loneliness in
Nashville. It even accounted for her engagement to James.

Definition: an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an outcome

Understanding: This is when Helga realizes that she will not be able to solve he engagement issue. It is a problem that needs a resolution. Therefore it is a crux.



Passage: Helga again felt a surge of hot anger
and seething resentment. And again it subsided
in amazement at the memory of the consider-
able applause which had greeted the speaker
just before he had asked his God’s blessing
upon them.

Definition: to move very quickly and suddenly in a particular direction

Understanding: I understand that Helga felt a sudden rush of anger and resentment towards her job at Naxous



Novel: Quicksand

Passage: Teachers as well as students
were subjected to the paring process, for it tolerated
no innovations,, no individualism. Ideas
it rejected, and looked with open hostility on one and all who had the temerity to offer a suggestion or ever so mildly express a disapproval.

Definition: The quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment especially in a way that seems rude or foolish

Understanding: This passage is when Ester realizes that she is confident enough to leave Naxous and realizes that she is not afraid of punishment.




1.very strict in moral or religious matters, often excessively so; rigidly austere.
I found this word on page 70 of There Was Once, towards the bottom of the page.
” Another thing. Good and wicked. Dont you think you should transcend those puritanical judgemental moralistic epithets? I mean, so much of that is conditioning, isnt it?”
I understand this passage alot better becuase I now know that the judgment was religious. It was nice to look up the word and then read the whole passage over again haveing a better knowledge of the word. Being abel to understand the word in the context of the text is nice.






A carbonated drink of water and fruit syrup containing a little phosphoric acid.
I encountered this word in “The Yellow Wallpaper”  on the first page in the 12th paragraph. This will be discussed in week 3 of class. The handout title is THE YELLOW WALLPAPER.
” So I take phosphates or phosphites- whichever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air, and exercise, and am absolutely forbidden to “work” until I am will again.”
It is nice to know what this word means so I can understand what she is taking. I had no idea if it was a drug, drink, etc.






1. obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine: a surreptitious glance.
2. acting in a stealthy way.
3. obtained by subreption; subreptitious.

Found in Mina Loys Feminist Manifesto
“The woman who has not succeeded in striking that advantageous bargin– is prohibited from any but surreptitous re-action to Life-stimuli–&entireky debarred maternity.”
This definition helps me better understand the passage becuase I now understand that Mina Loy was trying to tell the reader that you cannot act in a stealthy way. The passage now comes together with knowing the word.



Refute – Noun

Definition: Disprove, rebut

Passage: This great community, she thought, was
no longer a school. It had grown into a ma-
chine. It was now a show place in the black belt,
exemplification of the white rain’s magnanim-
ity, refutation of the black man’s inefficiency.

Understanding; I understand that Helga thinks that the school she is working at is disproving to the black man’s inefficiency.
