Manifesto: The music of a woman

A woman is like music. Some music is loud and vibrant, drumming loudly through the streets. Other music is lowly and hums through the hallways, echoing its special message.

Some women are strong and fierce, not scared to hit the high notes on the piano or vocalize their thoughts and opinions.

Other women, like myself, sing my tunes in the simplicity of a small comfy place I can call home. The music similar to the joy I take from creating art.

Some men only like country music.

But what is a woman to do, when she sings a different song than a man wants to hear?

Then she must change her song. She must alter her style. If it is for the sake of true love, a woman must adjust to the needs of her partner. Some men require more up-tempo, such as a cook in the kitchen or maid to clean the house.

Marriage is the meeting of two beings inter-weaving with each other.

Some of the knots need to be smoothed out, and something has to give.

Sometimes in the name of love, one must sacrifice their passion in order to sustain that love. And the prize is grand; to love and be loved until the end of your days…seems more than worth it.

What are beautiful hands with no one to hold them? What is art with no inspiration? What is life without love? I will take the roughness of hands that know a cleaned home and long cooked meal, to beautiful hands without the loving embrace of someone special.

So then, is it that a woman must change her song throughout life to fit the mold of each man’s preference?

I would say some women are lucky enough to not have to.

Some men are able to see the beauty in the music of a woman.



Mina Loy’s Feminist Manifesto Brain storm (Late)

In Mina Loy’s “Feminist Manifesto”, she rejects the fact that women are equal to men. In her writing she encourages women to basically dehumanize themselves to fit into society and to claim power. “Woman must destroy in herself the desire to be loved” This basically implies that in order to be taken seriously by a man, a woman must not be soft and avoid loving relationships. It also implies that it will rid men of the notion that women are of objects for sex. She continues to state that although women should stay emotionally detached in order to maintain respect, sex isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It should only be used for reproduction purposes. If I was to write a feminist manifesto, I would write about the objectification of women all around the world. Women everywhere are sexually objectified based on their bodies/looks whether it be in the middle east or even in some place like miami. All around us there are billboards, posters, magazines, and movies telling women how they should look, starting from a very early age. It’s very rare to come across such things for men. They are so many unrealistic expectations for women to look a certain way that it can cause a lot of issues within themselves, get in the way of building their characters and confidence. Women are told from a young age that they need to look beautiful or presentable in order to find “Prince Charming.” Society pressures women to act a certain way, in order to satisfy the needs of men, mostly. This often keeps them from being their true selves because a lot of women are afraid of being judged. Mina Loy encourages women to get rid of that fear and embrace themselves by first stripping themselves of emotions towards men, which will lead to them not caring about what other men want or need which is an essential part of being a human being first.