
Hi everyone, my name is Emily Sawh. I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I am 19 years old. My ethnicity is Guyanese. Although I’ve never been to Guyana, I do know a lot about my culture and one day hope to visit. I have two older brothers, which love to spoil me since I happen to be the youngest and the only girl. This is my fourth semester at City Tech and I am majoring in Human Services. Over the past few years I’ve had a little of difficulty and some confusion trying to decide what I wanted to major in. As I started to take some Human Services classes I decided that I loved this field. I started to become more and more interested in my classes and work as time went on. I even looked forward to going to those classes the most. I love helping others which led me to this major. I do hope to get my bachelors degree in HUE one day. I am a very social person but there are times where I just feel like being by myself. I love listening to music and zoning out into my own little world. I have an obsession for penguins! I have no clue why but I love them. I have penguin socks, penguin stuffed animals, penguin earrings.. You name it, I have it. I would like to travel the world one day, sadly I’ve only went to Texas, Florida, and New Jersey. I also have an obsession with puppies. I wish I could own one someday but for now my mom says I’m too busy to take care of it. On my free time, I like to hang out with my family and just be silly. They always seem to make everything better. I live with both of my parents that I love with all of my heart. They’re both the best support system any kid could ask for. As a kid, I always loved English. Whenever we were assigned to write our short stories, I would go on and on. I am definitely looking forward to this class and learning new things. It was a pleasure meeting my classmates and Ms. Rosen. I hope to achieve all of my goals along the way.

1 thought on “Introduction

  1. Welcome, Emily! It was a pleasure meeting you as well, and it’s great hearing from you here and in class. I’m curious if you see connections between what we study and what you learn about in Human Services. You might think about some connections in your writing for this course. Reading is of course a great way to travel with your imagination, but hopefully you can satisfy your desire to travel in body, not just in mind. Have you ever thought about studying abroad? It’s definitely a great opportunity to travel! I look forward to getting to know you better throughout the semester.

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