Narration in Beloved

From reading the story “Beloved” it’s hard to understand what kind of narration the story is and somehow difficult to know who is the narrator. From my point of view, I think the story uses a third-person narrator. In the story, the narrator describes the action and thoughts of other people from using “they, he, she”. But sometimes it can considered as omniscient narration because there are some narrations that describe the character’s action and what they thinking. For example the quote from the story “Now Halle’s face between the butter press and the churn swelled larger and larger, crowding her eyes and making her head hurt,” the words “making her head hurt” show us that the narrator describes Halle’s feeling. The narration change from character to character throughout the story trying to lead us to understanding of each character deeper. And the narration switch to lead us to ones character’s memories and thoughts. Another example from page 7, “Again she wished for the baby ghost”, the narrator describes what Denver is thinking.

Changing the point of view in the story can help us understand each character more clearly. Most plots in the story is a flashback of the character’s memories, so it’s quite important for us to understand every character instead of just focusing on one.

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