Category Archives: Glossary


Deity (plural)

Deity – A god or goddess.


I’ve encountered the word “Deity” on the reading called “I Always Write About My Mother When I Started to Write” written by author Bia Lowe. In the reading it is part of the sentences, “She was in every way my female deity.” This was found on the second paragraph, and on page 1 of the reading. After understanding what the word “Deity” means and refer to, I learn that the word was used in the reading to describe how much the author Bia Lowe respect, and loves her mother. “Deity” is a word to describe someone who is beautiful, strong, and powerful, resembling to a god or a goddess. Bia Lowe, believes that her mother beauty is beyond this world, and she emphasize that by describing her in details of how perfect, and beautiful her mother is. BY knowing that Bia Lowe describe her mother as a female “Deity”, this shows Bia obsession for her mother. Bia Lowe claiming “She was in every way my female deity.”, tells us that she is admiring her mother, as the perfect female figure upon all females. This is “Aphrodite” the goddess of “love” and “beauty”, this is what Bia would describe her mother to be.

Image result for goddess venus cartoon



Buoy: (noun):  float 2; especially, nautical: a floating object moored to the bottom to mark a channel or something (such as a shoal) lying under the water.

The word is from, Bio Lowe: I Always Write About My Mother When I Start To Write.

“I wanted to lay them, breathtaking, at her feet, and by doing to bind her heart to mine, ever after to be buoyed up like a raft on a calmed ocean.”

In this sentence the author is trying to expalin how he/she wanted to feel their mother close to her/his heart by thinking of the love towards the mother in the calm ocean.


Gloss: (verb): to provide a gloss for explaindefine

“By the end of the semester, you will have learned at least 15 words of your own choosing plus others your classmates have glossed for you (scroll down to the 4th instance of the word, definitions 1a and b).” (Blogging Project guidelines)

This means that by the end of the semester, everyone will have done 15 words, so we each benefit from the definitions and explanations our classmates provide on the site.