Think about the texts we’ve explored so far this semester. Some help us understand other readings; others help us think about our own experiences as we learn about others’ experiences.

In a comment below, please share your thoughts on one of the following, or come up with your own way of applying one text to another.

  • In “How to Read like a Writer,” Mike Bunn helps us think about how we can read a text like a writer, understanding how the author uses techniques to reach a specific audience and for what purpose. Apply this idea to one of our other texts that we’ve read or watched so far to determine its audience and purpose.
  • In “What is Code Switching?” Lisa Beasley talks about how she uses language differently in different groups. Apply this idea to one of our other texts to consider what it helps us understand about audience-specific diction in, for example, about Amy Tan’s essay, Perri Klass’s article, or any others that we’ve encountered this semester.

Photo Credit: “Arrow” by Quinn Dombrowski via Flickr under the license CC BY-SA 2.0 Deed