As we go and face the final last days of the 2024 spring semester. There’s definitely some things that I would like to say… and maybe even get off my chest. As these things have just been weighing down on me. As if there was a burden just sitting directly on my chest. Making it so hard for me to breathe. Along with all of my other responsibilities weighing down on my back. However, I definitely learned a lot about this past semester. I’ve learned a lot about myself not only as a writer, or a reader, but also a student. I’ve definitely learned that once again, I feel like I couldn’t give college my all like I wanted to. Although I still did get good grades, have some great connections with my teachers and students, it all still just doesn’t feel right. I don’t feel like my normal self if we’re being completely honest. Because when it comes to being a student, you can have a lot on your plate. Always waiting to put stuff off until the very last minute. Always being like “Yeah, I’ll just do it later.” “It’s not due for another two weeks, I’ll have time.” “I’m not going to worry about it.” However, next thing you know time goes by and the whole semester is basically about gone. You blink and you’re at the finish line before you even know it. It’s crazy how this thing called “life” works. But hey, it happens to the best of us right?

Although, there’s definitely still some things that I need to work on. I know what I’m capable of doing. The only thing is, what is it that I’m passionate about? I like writing poetry. That’s the whole reason why I even picked this professional & technical writing major. To be able to write poems, to let out how I feel about certain things. Also because I like music, it helped me get through some very dark times. That’s another reason why I did it. However, all this to say I like writing, I do. I just don’t know if this is something that I’m truly passionate about. Although in the past, I have made many different pieces of work such as; Discourse Community. and Education Narrative.

They both have many great details and a one of a kind story to tell. However, this whole career idea is still something that I would have to slowly figure out. Because I know that I’ll get to where I want to be eventually. Even if it takes me just a little bit longer than I would like to or expected too. In the end, it will all still be worth it. I know that with whatever that I decide to pursue, I will be happy with doing it. 

Because without these little lessons & experiences, I would’ve never been where I’m at now. I feel like I would’ve never made it to this point. Because by far my favorite class that I’ve actually been in was my public speaking class. I’ve met so many different & new people. Had crazy conversations with some that I’ll never forget. The one moment that we had in the elevator. When me and all of my classmates were all together standing around. We were talking about high school senior pranks where one of my classmates said “I remember during my senior year they decided to put baby oil on all of the staircases in the school.” Me and the rest of us all laughed as we stood there in shock and in surprise, low-key thinking about if this really happened to our classmate back when he was in high school. “The baby oil being put on the stairs definitely wasn’t fun.” As he chuckled when he said that. I could only imagine what horrific & maybe even slightly funny things that could’ve happened during that time. 

However, even through all of the good and the bad, fun times or not, I’m still forever grateful for my experience here being in college. I’m grateful that I got to meet new people even though I normally don’t like talking to them. Nor interacting with people. Though, I still enjoyed spending my last few months here being my first year of college. Because I’ve definitely picked up a lot of different things, learned from different people that are from all over the world, and that are in a lot of different age groups. You don’t realize the different kinds of people that you may go to school with who are either so far ahead in their life by being in their late thirties, or other people being as young as still in high school taking college classes. Which I find all so crazy to me. We are all in so many different points and stages within our life, it’s different for everyone. Not only that, we are all on our own journey. A journey to figure out what truly makes us happy. Figuring out where we see ourselves in the next 5-10 years down the line, picking out what career or job we will have. That will all financially help us later on down the line when we get old and decide to retire. 

In conclusion, I’m thankful for everything that I’ve learned while being here in college. Regardless if it was academically related or not. I still enjoyed the ride. I still made the best of what I had. Now that is what matters. You can always take something that you learned from every experience and lesson that you deal with in life. That’s definitely what I had to figure out.