Prof. Rosen | ENG 1121-D438 | Spring 2024

What do we notice?

Look around our classroom. What do you notice (not including the people)?

Spend some time outside of class noticing, maybe 10 minutes. What did you notice? Write for 10 minutes about what you noticed. Add your writing as a comment on this post.

Photo credit: “Now I Notice Tiles” by Bill Selak via Flickr under the open license CC BY-ND 2.0 Deed.


  1. Julissa.A

    While I was in the classroom, I noticed the drawn graphs all over the walls. I found it ironic since we’re having an English class, but we’re surrounded by math. I also noticed how large the classroom felt. Perhaps it’s because I was sitting towards the windows in the back row.

    Other than the classroom, I’m currently writing this in the library. I’m on the second floor by the laptop desk. These desks include outlets to charge the electronics and from experience, usually, this area is quite crowded since everyone wants to use the outlets to charge their phones. However, I’ve noticed that there are not many people in this area at this hour. I also noticed these little signs on each desk, stating, “Food is not allowed in the library. Help keep the library clean!.” Even though this notice exists, you’ll probably find a wrapper or two lying on the desk. I noticed how loud my typing sounded on this small, cubical-like desk. There’s also a bookshelf to my right that includes books I’m rather interested in, but I’ve never picked one to read. Most of them look criminal justice-related because of the titles. Lastly, I noticed how weird the light placements are in front of me. The lights are put in a rather odd and annoying order. It looks like they just put lights there for the fun of it, not caring how it looks.

  2. Caryn Gutierrez

    In the classroom, I noticed whiteboards which need markers to write on. I noticed a large desk in front of the boards which is beside the professor’s desk. I noticed the professor making sure to communicate well with everyone and making sure that the students are participating. I also noticed a wall full of glass windows and many similar student chairs with desks. Finally, I noticed a door at the entrance.

    Outside of class, while in my home and looking out the window, I noticed birds flying by in a group. Also, leafless trees as well as trees which are green no matter the season. In addition, I noticed a park with a playground, a basketball court, a baseball court, and a seating area. I noticed different colored cars either passing by or parked. I noticed two bikers in motorbikes. I noticed a mail truck and a white truck. I noticed the sun stating to set and clouds passing by. I saw two people walking dogs around the park. Finally, I noticed the neighboring buildings and houses in different colors.

  3. James A.

    Outside the classroom, particularly my home, I noticed lots of things about my routine. Starting off in the morning, if my alarm clock goes off early, he doesn’t want to wake up. He just is still lying in bed sleeping. This then leads me to turn off my alarm and go back to bed if I have no where to be that day in order to not disturb him. I notice that when I first eat breakfast I am fast, but then I slow down.

    I notice that I leave the garbage pale drawer (cabinet) open if I am gong to be dumping something in there if not for a few minutes or longer. Why can’t I be bothered to open it in five minutes, does it really in convince me? And for those who don’t know, the drawer is built inside the bottom part of a cabinet. This just happens to be built into my kitchen cabinet. Most modern homes I think are implementing them.

    I notice that I forget a lot of things throughout the day. For me it’s a way of life. I would say I have a lot on my mind most days.

    I know my dog never sleeps looking at my family while we are eating dinner. He always has his butt us, which is always funny.

    I notice small things that transform my day into my own unique experience. Does this have an overall impact? Who am I to say.

  4. Erika Juarez

    This is a bit late but I have a pretty good memory. So what I remember from class is that everyone sits very wide apart which I think is funny because it just shows how closed off we all are and personally I was also very anxious. The anxiety comes from not knowing what class will be like so everyone Is looking around or keeping to themselves. Things about the classroom I noticed was how empty it seemed. There was only one sheet on the board with a graph on it and the room just looked so depressing. I noticed a bunch of chairs and table pushed up against the wall making the classroom just feel like a closet.

    Outside of the classroom however I try to always be alert of my surroundings especially in the city since there are a lot of sketchy people. Always making sure to see ahead to avoid people if need to. I have always been grounded and just hyper aware of my surroundings and NYC has just been getting scarier. There have been way too many situations out in public that people are just angry and looking for their next victims.

    But if I’m able to relax I usually like to notice the animals around me like rats, birds, squirrels, and all the pretty dogs. I like to spot out stuff people are doing like, someone dropped their drink, a couple is fighting, or random pop-up events. I like to point out when the sky looks pretty, an outfit I like, or things that look like easter eggs.

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