Sometimes in life we all have our moments, moments in time where we may feel stressed out, overwhelmed, worried, and anxious about the day to day things that we have to attend to on a basis. However, whenever things get rough or become stressful, you need someone or something to turn to. A type of therapy or relief. My therapy would be music because it’s something about the flow and the rhythm of music that helps me keep myself together and at peace. Although you may not be able to see it, you most certainly can hear it and feel it through your body. With the sound of the instrumentals flowing through your ears and the base of the music following the beat of your heart makes the interaction and the experience of it all so special and wonderful for one to enjoy. Being able to also help touch one’s soul. 

That’s why we all need some kind of outlet in our lives. Without one, we might end up losing our minds, feel the loss of control that we may have over our life, and our emotions can become very overwhelming to deal with. If you don’t address the problem or if you don’t give yourself some kind of outlet to use. Whenever you’re in those moments of distress, worry, or anxiety having some kind of outlet can be very helpful. Some people may listen to music. Others may go for a walk, a workout, or maybe even decide to go out with a friend. Somebody that they can have by their side for whenever they feel stressed and just want someone to talk to. Creating an outlet in some sort of way can benefit us a lot in the long run. Such as with our mental health, physical health, relationships, and so much more. Curry, A. (2023, April 27). The importance of incorporating healthy outlets. Naya Clinics. “Healthy outlets can improve mental health. Restorative outlets are not just good responses to stressors, but they are also great as preventative measures.” “Incorporating healthy outlets into your daily routine can have numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. Here are a few ways that healthy outlets can act as preventative measures: Regular exercise, such as jogging or yoga, can have numerous benefits to your health. Engaging in creative activities, such as painting or writing, can improve cognitive function and decrease anxiety. Spending time outdoors, whether it be hiking or gardening, can boost overall mood and well-being. By incorporating healthy outlets into your daily routine, you can not only reduce stress but also improve your overall well-being.” With that being said, these are some of the many benefits that having an outlet can provide for us. It can help us improve a lot of things in our life. It’s just all about finding the right outlet for you to use. Asking yourself “what will get me through hard times?”

Creating an outlet can also help with releasing emotions, tensions, or things that are bottled up inside that are bothering you. P3_admin. (2024, April 30). Emotional outlet: Physical activity. Brains for the Cure. “It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. Anything that gets you moving can help, but you’ll get a bigger benefit if you pay attention instead of zoning out.”  Nonetheless, it can help you focus and pay attention a lot more for a lot longer. Rather than zoning out at some point throughout the day. Losing track or focus of what is happening around you. Along with being able to release endorphins which causes you to feel more happy and energetic within yourself. 

Although it may be true that we all need some sort of outlet in our life. We may not always be able to find an outlet that works best for us. Sometimes we tend to get so caught up in our own reality where we don’t have the time to sit down and take a break for once. To have a moment to ourselves where we can enjoy other people’s company. As well as our own company. To be able to do what we want or do what we enjoy doing with our time. However, that’s why it is important to take a step back sometimes. We are constantly being so busy worrying about everything else but ourselves. Not taking the time or a moment to relax and get our mind off of things. We tend to forget to live in the moment. That’s why it is called the present. Because it’s a gift that we tend to take advantage of, but sometimes we just simply don’t realize it. 

All in all, make sure that you go and take care of yourself. In all aspects, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You will thank yourself later. By living in the present moment and being okay with taking a break sometimes from the daily tasks that you always attend to. Give yourself some time to do the things that you love doing. By going for that walk, or workout, or even going out with a friend that you care about so much. Do it. You won’t regret it later for wanting to take care of yourself. Be sure to enjoy life and everything that it has to offer.