Sometimes in life we all have our moments, moments in time where we may feel stressed out, overwhelmed, worried, and anxious about the day to day things that we have to attend to on a basis. However, whenever things get rough or become stressful, you need someone or something to turn to. A type of therapy or relief. My therapy would be music because it’s something about the flow and the rhythm of music that helps me keep myself together and at peace. Although you may not be able to see it, you most certainly can hear it and feel it through your body. With the sound of the instrumentals flowing through your ears and the base of the music following the beat of your heart makes the interaction and the experience of it all so special and wonderful for one to enjoy. Being able to also help touch one’s soul.

First Source Entry: 

Citation: Curry, A. (2023, April 27). The importance of incorporating healthy outlets. Naya Clinics. 

Summary: This article talks about the importance of having healthy outlets. About how having outlets can benefit us in so many different ways such as mentally, physically, emotionally, and even with our relationships. 

Analysis: There are many different benefits when it comes to having the right and healthy outlet for us. It can bring us much more peace and joy when we are doing the things that we love. Help us improve our overall well-being. 

Second Source Entry: 

Citation: p3_admin. (2024, April 30). Emotional outlet: Physical activity. Brains for the Cure. 

Summary: This article talks about how the individuals that may struggle with dealing with a brain tumor should have an outlet in their life. By creating some sort of outlet, it can improve a lot of things in their life. Such as releasing certain emotions or tensions that may be bothering them. 

Analysis: With creating some kind of outlet in your life, it can do you a lot of good when having one. You won’t feel as stressed, anxious, or worried when you have an outlet that you can use. To help release endorphins inside of your brain that causes you to feel and be happy in life. 

All in all, make sure that you go and take care of yourself. In all aspects, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You will thank yourself later. By living in the present moment and being okay with taking a break sometimes from the daily tasks that you always attend to. Give yourself some time to do the things that you love doing. By going for that walk, or workout, or even going out with a friend that you care about so much. Do it. You won’t regret it later for wanting to take care of yourself. Be sure to enjoy life and everything that it has to offer.