When I think about all the projects we had to do over this past semester, I realize they made me think more locally. I payed more attention to my surroundings at school, when I have often overlooked them before and payed them no mind. I also personally focused on how to word subjects more broadly, to not fall into contradiction. And overall enjoyed the whole experience with Mrs. Rosen as my teacher. 

I really enjoyed project one because of the subject matter and in that case it was easier to write more than not enough. The project kept making me think on how disconnected my major and passion were. With that passion came personal enjoyment form the topic at hand. I also did like sharing the feelings I never shared, never thinking to visualize them beside the inside of my head. Project two was tedious with finding modern sources, I particularly remember finding a source good in theory. However, it was released in the late 90’s and to me this was unacceptable because that was a different world. How could I compare extracurricular activities when in the modern day it has become so intertwined with modern technology. Just the competition of attention retention is problematic because almost every student has a cellphone, that does more than call. So much is happening in that small device alone. Project three was more enjoyable because of the freedom to explain what your purpose was for project two. I know why I did project two and I enjoyed explaining it. Especially making the poster for it. As to reflect, honesty and time is all I need. The feedback from my peers do challenge to do better and for what they said, I will be. 

Again project one has made the most impact on me because of the subject matter. The discourse community gives me a wider perspective on who I am talking to and what they may have experienced. What their views are, how to talk to them. Assuming is not a guarantee and not always a good idea, but it does have value. That way to view life will definitely help me in the long term. Project two shows me that I can finish things even if I don’t like them. Carried over from my previous English class which was in high school, is a dread to get things done. This is a personal matter that I must get a grip on. Project three made me think more artistically than I have for a while which I appreciate. And for this reflection, well I did get enjoyment out of it. This project is helping me carry over my sanity, telling me it’s all over. That’s a joke, but it can be true if a requirement if a statement is to be said about something carrying over from the reflection project. 

If I had to pick one piece of work form the ENG 1121 I would select project one because it tells a story about me. It is not only personal which I believe shows character. But, it is also talks about my interest which aligns with potential job opportunities. They are in the same sphere of influence. “More, includes history which around the age of twelve I started to enjoy. And with a birth of passion, led to more interest and exploring at home on what more I can learn” (project one). If an employer sees I had a passion since I was twelve and it coincides with the job I am looking for they may choose me for my already desired passion to work in that field. I believe this whole project speaks to me. 

In conclusion, I had a wonderful time in this class and enjoyed showing up to it. It was a fun way to learn English and a good reason to come to class. 

I changed the name for project one because I believe it didn’t make total sense. It is now “Understanding What Is a Discourse Through Someone’s Eyes.” Before it was “Understanding What Is a Discourse Through a Person’s Eyes”, a person? As opposed to what? What other species of primates would be trying to understand discourse groups??? Are we waiting for a chickens hot take on discourse communities? No! What other species can read let alone understand all these English words? Someone just seems to me more broader.