
Hello dear fellow students of the newsletter club,

I have a big proposal for you. I made a poster that has some information for all students. My call to action is for students to take a stand up to take control over how many 8am classes there is in the semester. This poster is to get students to start a petition for all City Tech students to sign to reduce 8am class. I would like to ask if you would be willing to post it in your emails with the other news. In my head the headline for the section for the poster would say “Morning classes at 8am? or classes later in the morning?”, I believe this would get other students’ attention. My inspiration for my creative processes was to try and catch the eyes of the students. To get them to think “Wow this poster just caught my attention”. My intentions were to get the students to think about the differences of having 8am classes start a little later in the morning than starting at 8am on the dot. 

The way I had made the poster was to have a nice pale-ish color with bright color circles on top of it to catch the eyes of the students. I had changed the colors of the text to not have it just one color and it would be hard to see the text over the colored circles. The two images I had placed where to go along with the text so that the poster wouldn’t just be all text. I also wanted to try and make it more appealing for the eye of the viewer (the students) to show that there are things to think about and to try and make a difference regarding the issue/topic.

Overall I tried to make the poster look as appealing and look great to look at up close. I wanted it to catch students’ eyes and for it to be something that brings them closer to the walls where the posters are or make the students stare intently at their phones. To also make students realize they can speak their minds and try to change things around. But there would be changes and updates to the poster to make it more appealing. The background will be different, the images as well. The poster would look better then before.

The layout of the poster is to make it look more professional to the students. Like the first 4 number list that is blue looks aligned to the left along the text that is colored a light purple. I wanted to make it look this way to show there is some alignment throughout the whole poster. The reason why those two text are not behind the images because I have done a text wrap around the images. It was to help students better see the text then the text hiding behind the images. I also changed the each color of the text because I didn’t want the poster to look boring to look at. I wanted it to stand out from all the other posters that students see around campus.

In my opinion there are some rationales the students would benefit from encountering this multimodal text in the newsletter emails you send to all students at City Tech, because it would help them realize how important it is to think about the classes they have and how it would feel to have their class start later in the morning. It would be the first or second thing they see in their email in the morning or in the evening. It would help students actually start thinking about everything and wonder why they have 8am classes when they don’t really like having 8am classes. Morning classes can be great and also unreasonable. There are students who live hours away and have to wake up very early to try and get to school on time and they always miss breakfast and are hungry throughout the day until either they have a chance to get lunch or they have to wait until they go home to eat.

I do have some hope that students would read it and would think about how much more sleep they would get, how they would get time to eat breakfast, how much time they would get to actually not rush to get to school on time. I believe it would help them realize that they should have a choice on when morning classes should start. There are some students who hate morning classes but have to deal with it because that was the only time section left for a certain class. To think about how much they could do before having to go to school. It would also help students stand up for themselves and to try and make a change. I believe this would be another great way to get students to think about how they feel about morning classes that start at 8am. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Sincerely, Destiny Surratt